
And don’t forget Dungeons & Dragons being satanic worship!

Because fear keeps the populace pliant and controlled.

Eh, this has been going on for probably centuries. I mean, you had jazz as “the devil’s music”, then Frank Sinatra (bobby-soxers are having impure thoughts! GASP) and of course rock n’ roll.

nothing to do with art or creativity.

all of elites ships remind me of lady bugs or beetles for some odd reason.

Now, now, let’s all just be reasonable and go back to playing our respective games... oh, right...

Everyone in Elite: Dangerous right now:

Am I the only one who thinks what he’s doing is a lot bigger than the MVP?

Plus he draws contact on tons of shots. I think Russ is getting 10-12 free throws per game.  

Houston’s going to win 8-10 more games than OKC and get busted out of the playoffs by San Antonio or Golden State. They’re not contenders. The “best player, best team” argument doesn’t apply here.

He shot over 50% from the field, I dont know how somebody can say he took too many shots when more than half fall. Unless they want to make the argument that him scoring so much stagnates the offense, but my God, have you seen who he’s playing with? LOL

Russell Westbrook is a more elite quarterback than Joe Flacco will ever be

“Think how good he’d be if they ran the triangle.” - Phil Jackson

So after he leaves, how long til the Thunder go back to Seattle and revert to the Sonics? 5 seasons?

I have two coworkers who believe Harden is MVP - should I fire them?

“Shhhh, keep letting companies lie and steal money from us, don’t talk about their crooked marketing schemes and straight up lies. Everything is happy and good never hate anything. Shhh let people enjoy things.”

Impressed by their commitment, sad that they likely missed out on so many better games and things because of No Man’s Sky...

As an “older” (read: in my 30s) gamer I found the whole NMS thing pretty funny. Anyone who has been around the block a few times was very wary of NMS from day one. Watching everyone go through that with all the anger and rage was kind of cathartic in a wierd sort of way.

As someone who owns NMS, I’ve learned a valuable lesson, don’t believe developer hype. Until I see an actual working copy of a game, all the hype, trailers, developers spouting wonderful goddess qualities, it all means shit. Because Hello Games did the same exact thing. There is no “but this is different”, it’s the

Which is worse? not inspiring confidence? or building hype it doesn’t deliver on?