
Unlike most non-watchers, I have no problem with the show or it’s existence. If people are going to watch it, then by all means, produce it. And if you enjoy the guilty pleasure of watching a bunch of WASP-ey types having drama in their social circle, by all means, enjoy it.

For your answers you should check out the discussion at That crowd is leaning heavily in the “Erika was asking for it” camp by “announcing” she was not wearing underwear, ignoring the fact that LVP shoved her hand up Erika’s skirt and baited Erika into the “announcement.” And really, how can any

But in...

I haven’t seen the episode yet (my DVR awaits!) but from the previews and this write up, there are 2 things that I don’t get:

You’re right. It’s a lot like the people who tell POC that there’s no racism anymore, or the people who tell women that we’ve achieved full equality.

Jewish people have been warning everyone about this for the last decade, and literally nobody listened. This shit has been happening across Europe out in the open for quite some time. Now it’s out in the open here, too. But everyone just wanted to stick their fingers in their ears and tell Jews that our problems

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

Oh God Thanksgiving. As the only Hillary supporter in my family I don’t even want to go.

Yeah. Those assholes may not be racists, but racism wasn’t a deal breaker in a president?

It’s hypnotising watching both the original and Obama version at the same time.

I see what you did there, and I think it was too subtle for most.

I have an even better example of food company executives getting jail time for selling tainted food: Stewart Parnell, CEO of Peanut Corporation of America, got 28 years in federal prison for knowingly selling peanut butter contaminated with salmonella. The salmonella killed at least one woman. His brother Michael got

We can still act holier than thou.

That’s the thing about every Clinton “revelation”: I find out something that makes me uncomfortable or leave a bad taste in my mouth, and then I remember that the other side is doing shit a thousand times worse and it’s hard to give a shit about Clinton anymore.

Between the human asshole that is Donald, an actual Weiner, and reminders of Bill’s inability to keep it in his pants, it has never been clearer why we need more women in power.

What’d be terrific would be if you all here at Jezebel were interested in having actual conversations, with people with differing opinions. “The greys” on this website are filled with people that don’t conform to your very secure hive mind mentality, and challenge your thoughts, but instead of engaging them... you

There’s actually some really interesting and gruesome feminist legal theory about self-defense laws. Basically it boils down to: self defense laws are made for someone defending themselves in a fight to the death that’s moving quickly and happening right at the time of the death or injury. Women’s violence, and the

Everyone should have guns to protect themselves, but will face a life sentence for using a gun to protect themselves. Did I get that right?