Mr. Lahey

even more dangerous combo

Nelson & Cobb.....

What about Nelson+ Cobb?

As a Bucs fan I must point out that they have something in rookie tight end Austin Seferian-Jenkins as well, who is massive in size but also much greener and inexperienced. Between him, Evans, and VJax, those are three guys you can throw jump balls to and almost 100% of the time they have a huge advantage in 1-on-1

We have a family photo taken in this exact spot with the same border template from a July game of that year. My mom is holding a baseball with a big "H" sharpied on it. The "H" stood for Houston because it was one of their batting practice balls. My brother got Jose Lima to lob it over the fence to us because he said,

Anyone else look at him and see Kenny Powers?

When he finally cut the mullet, he found 7 pairs of sunglasses previously thought to be lost.

Worthless without pics of the wife and cheerleader side-by-side.

The NFL as arbiter of morality and superior judge to the legal system somehow makes me sick...and Roger Goodell dispensing justice? I really kind wanna throw up.

"Third, you have shown no meaningful remorse for your conduct. When indicted, you acknowledged what you did but said that you would not 'eliminate whooping my kids' and defended your conduct in numerous published text messages to the child's mother. You also said that you felt 'very confident with my actions because I

I'd just like to point that he is very gas efficient, 33.6 MPG is unusual on this large of a model.

But more importantly we just discovered that Kawhi Leonard is an Immortal awaiting the time of the Gathering.

The year was 2007. It was early Summer and the Brewers were in 1st place in the NL Central later than ever. A few friends and I had gone on road trips to various cities around the country to see the Brewers play for a couple years at this point. We decided we would go to Pittsburgh and to PNC Park.

What kind of monster replaces his hand with a football?

Who the hell is this guy, some backup running back filling in for Gio Bernard?

As a Browns fan, I can understand the frustration, Hill, but you need to learn to be more mature in the face of adversity.

What does it say about a "bad" 6-3 Browns team taking a 5-3-1 Bengals team to the woodshed? On the road? On national television?

I'm not so sure he didn't take full ownership of his crimes. You're angry about his detachment from his crime and that makes me think you didn't read the entire article? Also, you seem to be confusing the word "minimize" with the word "describe". Had he said he used a "five to seven inch single bladed lock back pocket