Invincible Snu Snu Block

Thanks, internet friend! There aren’t many staff jobs like mine in my city. (That’s why my coworker has to go to another state to look.) The job isn’t terrible and it’s flexible since the boss isn’t here most of the time. The salary difference is one of those things I will put up with but it can certainly get me down.

Gawd...this is so timely. I just found out that my coworker (a man) got a bonus. We do the same jobs and I’ve been at the company longer. He’s also about to go on “vacation” with pay to interview for a job in another area and possibly the boss feels this...I guess he’s got some extra travelling money now! My

Agreed. And yet another example of a mediocre man getting paid far more than a far superior woman. I’m sick of it.

Given the “sexy secret” nature of her diction, she could plausibly have the white male vote in this country.

Noooo dude! If Arya steals their faces she has to kill them first (and I like both Tyrion and Jamie).

The Stark women are definitely smarter than the Stark men.

Agree. How did nobility, honor, naivety, and mercy work out for Ned and Robb?

>Every time Jon has an idea Sansa should immediately issue orders that everyone do the exact goddamned opposite as quickly as possible.

Male Starks make the worst goddamned decisions in the entire Game of Thrones universe. Every time Jon has an idea Sansa should immediately issue orders that everyone do the exact goddamned opposite as quickly as possible.

YES! I’m so glad Julianne pointed this out. All the dude bros complaining about Sansa undermining Jon are like “But he did the noble thing by not taking revenge blah blah blah” and it’s like, Sansa’s point still stands, PLUS don’t you want more able and experienced defenders at those castles?! And that doesn’t mean

Jon just left two children in charge of the first two castles between himself and the white walkers, mmkay Jon that’s a really solid idea.

Does wearing someone else’s freaking FACE SKIN too much turn you cold?

Yeah but they’re really close in age. Dany would’ve been just born around the end of Robert’s Rebellion, when Jon was born in the Tower of Joy. And, like, they don’t even know they are related. SO IT’S TOTALLY COOL


Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a

It definitely irks me when I see racism in large urban areas; especially NY and Chicago. I mean, if you hate black people so much, why don’t you move to Bumfuck, ID and enjoy your whiteness with all your white buddies? You could happily spend the rest of your life without seeing another black or muslim person.

Plenty of racists in Oregon and all, but i have a hard time believing this guy never had it explained to him before why racism is bad in fucking Portland...

This whole story was so blatantly ridiculous that I was surprised it wasn’t an email forward from my mother

Somehow, despite all that the 5-year-old had been through, a judge agreed to allow Naomi Hall supervised visitation with the child at the hospital.