
I have just one problem with this show ... no one is asking “WHY?” Even when they were in the gated community with the military - no one asked “What is this disease? is it contagious, is this some type of germ warfare.”
They need one answer seeking character, maybe a reporter - to provide some details not on the cause,

Except I can’t suspend disbelief enough to accept that there is a single parallel universe where zombies don’t exist in some concept.

Except that people have actual real evidence to back up why this is such a dumb show. The characters are lifeless and ridiculous and while it doesn’t need to be a replica of The Walking Dead, it does need to be suspenseful and interesting in SOME way. People are so desperate to have something...anything to

To be fear are we really to assume the shows universe, no one has seen a zombie life? Or any kind of disaster movie for that matter? Granted seeing and experiencing are two different tings.

To be fair, in a quality scene that felt a little World War Z (the book not the movie),

Man, this show is like heartburn—not overly worrisome, but unpleasant nonetheless. The characters are unlikeable, the writing is clumsy, and the pace is fucking glacial. Within five minutes, I was immediately struck by how whiny and bitchy everyone except Strand was, to the point where I was expecting he'd give his