
Yeah, the time, not so long ago, when marital rape was perfectly legal sounds so comforting that I wonder why Norman Rockwell didn’t paint one so we could wax nostalgic about it.

I think those conservatives are talking about a time when women were docile & “knew their place”.

His hair turned way grayer than mine in the same in the same amount of time. That job beat the fuck out of him and that fucker wants Obama to take MORE hits???

Seriously. Obama gave everything for 8 years. Many people have done nothing but spit in his face. He can take as long a break as he wants/needs.

You used a fucking write-in? Then you essentially ensured he won you fucking idiot.

Why not call for Bill Clinton to fix it? Or Bush 43? Or Bush 41 for that matter? Why is the black man Obama expected to be the one to step up and correct what’s wrong?

I gotta admit tho, it is kinda remarkable how someone with a head so large can be filled with absolutely nothing.

Fucking thank you. I barely skimmed that post because it just dripped with white liberalism.

If the NY Times would start letting Hamilton write Op-Ed’s for them, we’d never have to hear from this asshole anymore. He could debate the piquant nature of his farts with Dowd and Brooks like he so clearly feels he deserves.

HamNo: Hmmm, yes, clicks, clicks, clicks, clicks, clicks, clicks

On the other hand, if there’s ever been a President in modern history that’s earned the right to say “to hell with all of you,” it’s him.

Mr. Barrack doesn’t owe white people shit. White men and women pining and whining for his help... need to march right up to their family, friends, coworkers, and tell them to fuck off for voting in the very guy who said Obama isn’t even american. You and your wypepo can fuck all the way off.


His bathtub & shower self-portraits, right?

Is Splinter now blaming everything on Obama too? I thought that was just a Fox News thing.

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

It’s all a game to these people. Cillizza views Trump and his Goon Squad the same way the Pelicans view the Warriors. Sure, they’re the opponent for a little while, but after it’s all over we should be cordial.

This is the very heart of conservative politics in today’s America - white people, men, the rich, whatever demographic with power you want to call out, claiming victimization despite the fact that they hold all the cards. It’s infuriating, especially because it seems to work so damn well.

She got the complexion for the protection!