
You’re allowed to hate a movie, that’s fine. Texting during the movie is rude to everyone siting around you though. If he stepped out to the bathroom to send his text I don’t think anyone would care.

The drama was not about what he said, it was about his tweeting during the movie, which is obnoxious and rude to others around him.

Insert Devil Wears Prada cerulean speech.

Where the fuck do you buy five Klan hoods?

Unlawfully detain someone, make obscure threats, attempt to illegally obtain evidence; get paid vacation time.

As she leaves, one of the security officers says, “Bye, Felicia” and she turns around saying, “Hey, my name’s Omarosa!”

HAD to do it....LMAO

Sad thing is, you have to go back even farther. Bush had a reasonably diverse Cabinet, and he hired black people who were smart and competent, too.

The Apprentice reject supposedly told Trump how Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski dogged him out every morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe

Black people being shot by the police. Haha, right? Sorry, but this doesn’t even qualify as anything near a “joke”, even a poorly thought out one.

But this is just an isolated incident. Just like Baltimore. And Minneapolis. And Tulsa. And Ferguson. And E. St. Louis. And Texas. It’s only a few bad apples.

“his client was just trying to de-escalate the situation with the driver”

Isn’t it funny how these neo-nazis keep calling themselves Republicans? What does that say about the GOP? Hmm...

I want Peggy Bundy to host Thanksgiving in Buckingham Palace this is what is stuck in my head now.

England doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving; they’d go all Anti-Princess-Diana-Type-Reaction on her.

They got the intent, they’re just not upset by the reality it reflects. They know Trump is one of them, and they’re very happy about it.

Rhaegar did not look like Vyseris, Vyseris looked intentionally like Rhaegar, he wanted to look like his brother.

I disagree. I did not need to see the butt cheeks. :D D: