
So he thinks he was ok in this???

This person took this company from obscurity and made them a renowned brand. I don’t remember Subway before Jared so they struck gold when they had an every man claim their food was great to lose weight.

That’s what Subway’s lawyers are going to argue. She’s basically saying “but for” Subway’s concealment of his proclivities, she wouldn’t have married him. That seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

I definitely deserve to burn in hell for this one.

The sick fuck really did like to eat fresh.

So, they put her on speaker and made a video of the conversation. They intentionally mumbled the word “consensual” in a blatant attempt to trick her into saying something exculpatory. Bros over hos, AMIRITE?

I don’t get guys who know their roomate has violently raped someone (and heard rumours it’s multiple women) and thinks “well what about his future?”

“What he did, obviously from what you explained, is terrible,” the fraternity member told her, “but I do want you to think about what the consequences [are] with him and his future. …”

One sure way to skull fuck your credibility instantly is to cite them as a source.

“it’s doubtful she needed or asked for his protection or his prayers”

You’re literally incapable of placing the blame on Azealia, aren’t you? I realize that your objectivity goes out the window when a story involves a fellow black woman, but this is just pathetic, Kara.

It’s funny how you lead with RZA being paternalistic and somehow fail to mention this from his statement (emphasis mine):

I think much of beauty advertising relies on a false premise – that women need to be treated in an infantile way, given a ‘fantasy’ to aspire to… Real women are already inspired by other real women, so perhaps beauty advertising needs to get on board.

I feel like Adichie’s stance is less “women must wear make up to be beautiful” and more “if you as an individual enjoy wearing make up, that is fine and in no way incongruous with feminism.” And I feel like the argument that women should not wear make up is anti-feminist, because it’s dismissing individual’s autonomy

please, he’s one of the most genuine people in Washington. granted that’s a low bar, but he’d clear even the highest bars of that measure.

You sound hurt.

Feel better now?

It’s OK - - Rachel just spelled “decrepit” wrong.

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”