
I have searched high and low and I can't find any of her music for sale. I need to buy everything she has put out, right now.

I just want her to stop making up words. I was ok with 'Smize'. But then came 'booty touch', then potledom, now booch. Stop it!! Please!!!!

I am so done with Claire and her voice overs. The man (who tried to rape you and made you look like a traitor in front of the British Army) just told you that he was making art when he beat Jamie's back to shreds. And your reaction is oh yes, this guy is on the verge of a breakthrough and wants to become a better man.

And they literally fuck Mac owners over. I still don't understand why these title never come to Mac

She doesn't have 'cankels'. She's got 'stankles'.

Yep. They're fucking.

This is why I don't understand men - especially straight Alpha male types. Do his teammates think that if he were to shower with them, he would be in the stall facing them as they showered, staring at their wangs and jacking off.

Why is this perfect comment pending approval? Outrageous!!!

You know that every police force that had a "video camera on cops uniforms" budget has just earmarked it for this.

I got the ban hammer when I called Briebart an asshole, upon his death, by one S. Climato. So I know that there are moderators working for Gawker. Why aren't they doing their work here? They should be all over this like flies on poop.

Jeems, even in a mural Bosh is sissying that walk.

He's still at rehab. Due to return sometime this week. Just in time for the passing of World Pride. Always finding an excuse to avoid 'teh Gays'

You were 14, you dummy.

She's trying to kiss his lips and he kisses her nose. I guess that was a sign in itself.

Lawyer facebooks a statement about a rape case. Then, signs off "Please like and share"

Umm, how old is this guy. Like 36?!

Wondering why members of your own race do dumb things isn't racist. If it was a qualifier, many of us would be racist enough to earn a membership into the KKK.

whileEkaiote says "i know, right? cuz she isn't even a nigger" and you respond with 'she's black' and a photo.

The racist comments on Radar are just lovely.