
Of course, they hate Romney. Those little mofos are part of 47% of leeches who don't pay income taxes! Romney doesn't represent them. They aren't his people.

Was that work environment in one of the 7 circles of hell or Gitmo?

I think that he is in a catch 22 situation. While he is the redeemable thing on FauxNews. If he leaves no other legit cable station will hire him to be an anchor, because he worked for such a repugnant station. So he is forced to stay.

No, an 'Epic Fail' would have been if the Universe had exploded when you clicked the link. Or if it made you instantly explosively poo your pants.

Does this law protect also Eric the Actor? By default, it should.

Q - Where in the world is this guy's asshole?

This photo (where he masterfully holds that ball between his feet) and the meows. Gosh, I just fell in love.

I honestly think that Mindy Kaling is one of those people who finds her way in and ends up becoming quite comfortable with the status quo. She isn't interested in being part of a movement to make things better like a 'Shonda Rhimes' or 'Kerry Washington'. She sees the boys club and wishes to be apart of it, not change

I guess Ann isn't very FLOTUS-like here. But her arms aren't very toned, so I guess that balances everything out in Mrs Lussier's books.

Hmm, well I guess Mrs. Lussier must have hated Jackie Kennedy too.

I do have to say I agree with the Noreen Malone's comments and summation of this show. When I watched it I was really disappointed by the lack of diversity. Mindy stands out like a sore thumb. All of her friends, her love interests, her coworkers and the medical staff were white. And then she complains about non

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I really like this movement. Wish there was more of it in Toronto.

The planes look oddly too low.

That's total bs. It was given to her when they were married. Therefore she has ownership. It's her property.

OK. That must have been $40 Billion Ethiopian dollars.

Remember when they did this with the microphone jack on the first iPhone. It was only compatible with the iphone headphones. I spent so much money on those shitty headphones back then. When my phone was stolen, the only upside was no longer having to buy those crapsters.

The provincial Canadian police and the Mounties aren't the same thing. Yep. I know that no one gives a fuck. But it's the principle of the thing

Yeah. I totally think the person who Paul Ryan, Santorum, Akin, Limbaugh, Beck and the Republican drones would consider to be ideal female constituent/American is that Duggar chic who is always pregnant.

While that's a good one, it's too close to zebra. Therefore, it might be seen as more disparagingly racist than cute.

I don't know why you denied Mr. Twinkles some fun times. You are the MAN!