
But people WEREN’T abusing the system. The whole premise of MoviePass was that you could watch unlimited movies and that’s what people were doing.

So, you can’t simply turn the word ”combat” from an adjective to a verb in your brain to have the headline make perfect sense??

So, you’ve never heard of patting your chicken dry with paper towels?

You're offended by THIS? Oh dear god...

You can call them out as ll yi want, but it probably won't change their behavior. I'd try it once; if that doesn't work, I'd go the passive-aggressive approach of lying about the reservation time. It's a small sacrifice to make if a relationship is otherwise worth keeping. 

It floors me that, while we are all about giving people voices in this day and age, people who have a voice - or opinion - different than that of the current flavor of the month is considered to be the enemy.

I agree 100% and, if I remember, I ask for the tails to be removed before my dish is served.

Before I even read the manual, I sit in my car with the engine running and I go through the electronic display one click at a time. I learn all sorts of things that way (I’m more of a visual learner anyway) and, after I’m done looking around, the manual makes a lot more sense when I read it because I can the envision

FYI: people on the Autism Spectrum are NOT freak shows and don’t generally act the way this guy does.