I will be thinking, “How is is possible that Chris Hemsworth is such a good actor and Liam is such a block of wood?” Can’t he give him lessons or something???
I will be thinking, “How is is possible that Chris Hemsworth is such a good actor and Liam is such a block of wood?” Can’t he give him lessons or something???
I could understand it a lot more if it were in the middle of the heatwave we had. But girl, it’s going to get cold soon! At least, I hope it’s going to get cold soon!
I have to disagree here. From my sources that have witnessed them in their private time, she basically barks orders at him and he follows. Which is a shame, because everyone says how nice he is. She’s also very classist and does not deign to acknowledge those “beneath” her. Which is hugely disappointing because I…
They have 2 excellent items: their shakes and curly fries. For a late night savory/sweet drive-thru combo, it’s the best.
I hear he has fake hair AND teeth. Ew ew ew ew ew.
Yes it is. :)
This is my situation as well. There are only 4 of us at the moment and it just seems awkward to leave him out, especially when I know it’s HIS money that enables me to have a job, not some nameless corporation or investors. He’s a new dad so hopefully gift giving will be pretty easy!
Ok I didn’t know HOP was a thing outside of my neighborhood but you made me google and I discovered this! http://www.laweekly.com/restaurants/th…
What? Her entire livelihood as creative director at Vogue depends on her being able to make women want a particular lifestyle/products/brands.
Sounds like he’s going to be in a for a fun time for the next 50 or so years! Jeeeeeez.
Reading that person’s comments, they are either a troll or a miserable wretch. Your photo is gorgeous.
This is 100% how I felt about my engagement photos. Didn’t want them but they came with the wedding package. The other great thing that came out of it was how much more I trusted my photographer on the day of the wedding. And I knew her shorthand for changing positions, etc. The reason all your friends’ pictures are…
I agree with you about commenting on people’s appearances in general, but in this case, this is supposed to be someone who dictates the styling of images that we are supposed to find aspirational. Yet she looks like she makes zero effort on hair or makeup. She can’t be bothered to swipe on a lipstick or pencil in some…
40 UNITS TO START?? Girl, NO. I get 20 throughout my entire forehead and the results are nice and subtle. You just overdid it.
I think they just went overboard on the warming filter. Honestly, I would just think she was white in either of those pictures. (I don’t know who she is except for reading about her on Jez.) I know lots of people who are European who are WAY darker than her. This is what has always confused me: who qualifies as PoC?…
I think they slimmed her entire head and body. Aside from the fact that she looks great AS IS, if you want to make someone look thinner, there are in-camera tricks to do it (like choosing a specific lens, the distance you take the picture from). I don’t know why they did it so poorly in Photoshop after the fact.
Case in point: Matthew Rhys.
Charlie Sheen started defiling her when she was one of Heidi Fleiss’ girls.
I found out I’m resistant to the most common strain of norovirus. Cruise ships, here I come! Prepare the buffets!
No, if you’re a woman, you get all your ancestry and your mother’s haplogroup. If your dad (or a brother) also does it, you can get your paternal side as well - you just need somebody with a Y chromosome to be tested, since you don’t have one.