Saturday Night Palsy

"Oh the food was terrible!"


…and again…

The 1987 Whitesnake video "Here I go Again" inspired a teen-aged me to actually do something.

It's also amazing at how uniquely frightening rural areas are in the different states.

Well lookie here everybody. Seems ol' Jennifer Gluck is getting drunk and bragging about her neighbor's auntie again! Is it Friday night already? Get help already, Jennifer. Stop making us watch you destroy your life!

I always wondered why I liked this movie despite being a Christmas hater until I realized that 90% of the movie is children suffering.

Which may be why the stormtroopers never scored a hit.

Just be thankful it's not Mario Lanza.

I can't see anyone wanting to watch Real Rob.

They can be one thing!

Would you say that it would be a waste of time?

That's because they give you an excuse to gorge yourself on BBQed stormtrooper.

Part of me hates you, part of me thinks that was pretty funny.

the suspended sentence does go on your record and should you live in a 'three strikes' state, it counts.

That's a tough joke to pull off in the off season.

Date night?

"I put these plastic, waterproof sheets on my bed 'Just in case!' Ha ha!"

What if a person really does have a fetish for women with bags over their heads? How does one ask a woman to wear one without offending her?

It's been fifteen years. I don't look like what I did when I watched that season. She probably would have still looked pretty darn good.