
I wonder what propipliners would say if a company was given the okay to run a pipeline straight through Arlington National Cemetery?

Regardless of how you feel about pipelines or fossil fuels or native peoples this is a master class is government fuckery. Basically, a company says, “Hey, i want to build a pipeline (bc train cars are stupid)”, and then a bunch of government acronyms reviewed and approved it, notably the Army Corp of Engineers. And

So, having watched the video, I’d say this actually speaks more to the dominance of the keepers than anything else.

But Sansa is all of eleven years old in the first book. There was no way she understood the ramifications. I find a lot of the Blame Sansa crowd tends to forget that.

I really don’t understand what giving Sansa to Ramsay Bolton did for Littlefinger. That one I’m still pondering.

Just reading a Game of Thrones now, and Ned definitely goes to Cersei first. Also, Sansa is a literal child in book one/season 1-3, people are being way too judgmental of her choices. She's still not a full adult.

The Iron Isles are the Texas of Westeros.

She’s not mocking prayers, she’s deriding people who offer up prayers and do nothing else. Or, to quote the scripture passage that she referenced: “Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” (James 2:17)

Not calling out Sam Bee here, but wanted to get something off my chest: I’m always a little disgruntled when “thoughts and prayers” get mocked and derided in the wake of a shooting. My church (hippie dippie New England Episcopalians) formed a Gun Reform Legislation Committee after Newtown—we have teams of callers who

If I’m a parent with my kids at the game and guys around me are yelling lewd things at the ice girls? Then not so family friendly.

I don’t think you know what the word “legally” means. No presumption of guilt or innocence is being made, just that there isn’t enough to draw charges. Therefore, Kane will be cleared “legally” even if he might have done something wrong.

Very glad this is over and we don’t have to hear about the story anymore. Glad that Kane has been cleared legally (I’m not going to presume to know what happened that night, so that’s the only thing he can be cleared of).
The downside is all the dumbass bros who claim to be Hawks fans who are using this opportunity to