
I think I’d actually like the new Camry if the front wasn’t so weird.

I’m most annoyed by Cloud and Corrin, because I see them frequently and haven’t figured out how to effectively beat them yet. And despite using Ness a lot, I hate fighting other Nesses because they all seem to spam the same couple moves over and over.

Depends on the proportions of the car. The current Camaro has side windows that match the windshield, and they are about as tall as a mail slot as a result. I think they could stand to be let down a little bit.

So hard to find good ones anymore, though. None of the good dumbphones work on US frequencies.

As a Mets fan, I hope he doesn’t end up on the Mets.

The balloon looks sorta tilted. Maybe it’s a regular balloon attached to a rigid stick.

I wish the hood was just a liiiittle longer.

I’ll take the one in the back.

I don’t mind it, though I question the logic behind creating custom wheels for a vehicle whose owners all replace the wheels immediately after purchase.

As someone who has the cartridge but not the instructions, and never bothered to look up any official art, it’s nice to finally see what the characters were meant to look like.

At least with the tent on the back, and the front facing away from the camera, most of the ugly is hidden from view.

Isn’t the middle lane still a passing lane?

I actually like it a lot (despite having four doors).

The news story WAS a RAV4 clearance event.

Aw, it’s kinda cute.

I know Angel Hernandez’s name, and that’s rarely a sign of a good umpire.

I love fat fenders.

Well, now the car’s name makes sense.

Even if they did bring it to the US, they’d probably replace that yellow with another three shades of grey.

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