
One word, all uppercase -FOURWORDSALLLOWERCASE

Somebody tell Brett’s mustache that we’ve found his beard.

They think they’re bridging the gap, but what they’re doing is this:

And that’s how I know!

But are they the best people?

Alternatively, sharing an opinion outside of orthodoxy with a large audience has never been easier or less dangerous, unless you consider the prospect of other people (also sharing their opinions just like you) telling you that your ideas are bad and also not good a dangererous one.

Taxes aren’t something you deserve that is then taken from you. They’re how you pay for the infrastructure that supports your work. Likewise the people who benefit directly from social programs that directly pay enrollees (SNAP for example) aren’t the only beneficiaries. Our communities are made stronger, safer and

“Too big to fail” isn’t a problem only for banks, it would seem.

To whom it may concern:

A)If you are the leader of, and responsible for, a company that employees hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of employees, and through your leadership that company can continue to make profits and employ those hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of employees,

CEO pay is set by corporate boards, who look at compensation for CEOs at similar companies to get a sense of if the market. The problem with that is that nobody wants to be a below average guy, and nobody wants to hire an average guy, so the median creeps up. There isn’t a balancing downward pressure to keep it in

He also rejected anti-Muslim rhetoric after 9/11 and tried to pass immigration reform that included a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. I think he’s a decent, caring person. Those things don’t erase the fact that his presidency was socially and economically disastrous for our country.

“Accountability and investigations are divisive. We should be focusing on the future, not the past.” - republicans in 2008

“If we give money to rich people they will make jobs for poor people who will then be less poor”


The “because business” kills me. Anybody who describes him as a successful businessman knows nothing about a)Trump or b)business

[X] A Bag of Flaming Dogshit (R)

When reality intrudes:

I think those are reasonable considerations, and the Trump train is absolutely an indictment of our current process, but my fear is that the sorts of restrictions you’re referring to would be coopted, as such things so often are, by the haves as another weapon against the have-nots.

Right?? Is that a fucking strategy for governing?