Minivans are criminally underrated
When I was a kid we were playing with a potato gun and this other kid cross-threaded the end cap. He then stood right behind the person firing the potato gun, so when we fired it and the end cap went flying off it hit him right in the nuts. Siri, send tweet
If snark makes you fall out like this maybe stick to Car & Driver?
lmao that “Not sure.” is a whole-ass persona captured in two words.
I had a 2000 b5s4 until 2017, and my answer is “dumb luck.”
Same, it’s great!
This new and fascinating concept has captivated me, please list other “brands” for further research.
It’s a tough call! There’s no telling what it might be worth in another few years, up or down. If you’re worried about making the wrong choice just remind yourself: you could have bought Google stock 😂
She’s a beauty, nice work!
Yeah, that type R is the one I keep coming back to. What a unicorn.
“It was great, aside from being stabbed repeatedly”
That type R is pristine, but $80k?? People are crazy.
Tire technology becomes the limiting factor below that range, so until we get some crazy gecko-foot-inspired drive-on-the-wall tires we’ll have to settle for just under two seconds
Fuckin’ A, nice work
Now that the phrase “Stars War” has occurred to me I no longer wish to go on living
He’s a “classical liberal” - a right-wing conservative hiding his bigotry behind Plato and Kant. What does that have to do with him being a racist, sexist douchebag, though?
He’s not really a shit person, he just pretends to be one on TV! And in real life. Also he’s not pretending.
RIP Deadspin