
That’s the dude! He’s essentially the most revolutionary thing to happen to Broadway since A Chorus Line. Lin Miranda’s basically re-invented an entire art form in one colossal, seismic burst. He wrote his first musical, In The Heights, while he was still in college, and five years later it opened on Broadway and ran

Wait wasn’t that Lin-Manuel guy the crazy roommate of House’s when he was in the asylum? I had no idea he was actually “someone.”

I dunno if I’m jealous of his wife, because I’m pretty sure he’s so busy that she only sees him for about half an hour every fortnight. I mean, there’s being a worksholic, and then there’s Lin Miranda. Even God is like: Dude. You gotta rest sometime. I know I’d have a hard time coming to terms with his overwhelming

Lots of practice. He literally explained on a podcast that he’s spent years doing this and it’s the only way you can make your mind improve in that manner.

I know. I know. Everything you say: me too. All of it.

During a break today I was thinking, do I bring as much enthusiasm and joy to my job as Lin-Manuel Miranda does? How can I change that? What is my legacy?
Goddamn him for making us all want to live better lives. And for being so adorable about it too.

Probably easier to love life when you’re that brilliant, tbh.

I know. Me too. Lin-Manuel Miranda makes me want to love my own life more. I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anyone who exudes more irrepressible joy. He just bubbles over with it. I want that. I want every bit of that fizzing, incandescent cheerfulness. What a way to live a life.

How has this not been in my life before now? Jesus, is Lin Manuel Miranda trying to make me fall in love with him? His freestyle with Jimmy Fallon is like, the most enthusiastic thing ever and I love people who are clearly overly excited about their life.

I know. It’s sick, right? No one person should be so good at so many things and still be likeable and funny. There’s got to be something that he sucks at. There has to be something.

For context on the Hamlet/Hamilton silliness:

Now playing

I think Lin Miranda was on the shortlist for Person of the Year. Which he absolutely deserved, but not for Hamilton, which was ok I guess, if you like transcendently beautiful pieces of art that make you question what you knew of joy before you saw it. No, he should be Person of the Year for this stupidly great