
great photo, the valuables that I have to hide in a books are flasks.. I think the person is a alcoholic and needs a intervention..

haaa..... So i just referred someone two days ago and hit my max 5gb storage size, after reading this I checked and now have 7.75gb!!! Well it looks like I have more people to convert..

Az.. making laws to remove your civil liberties, one law at a time..

So can I hire the "girlfriend" to harass a coworker, with phone calls and emails, claiming scandals activities on his behalf and try to get him fired..

Remember .. All money is worthless, it is created from debt.. The debt that I owe you gets passed to the person you owe (as a form of payment), and down the line.. The guy that has the most debt owed to him/her is the richest..

Ready, Fire, Aim.. the last decade of our country..

This gives me an idea.... Who wants to help.. Needs to know web developing and QR codes..

Sounds more like you have to really pick and choose what you want to invest in, and skip over the bland.. Or maybe spend less time on the website.. (Instead of writing a whiny article)

Snip Snip..And, I was the most popular guy in High School.

With this info we can now go out and terraform Mars.. It will only take 2.7 billion years to accomplish..

I can list a handful of websites that offer this service off the top of my head.. Wouldn't say this is revolutionary.. whats next auto insurance website..

I think the Spring in 3D is the best because the field of view is restricted to the subject of the shot, diminishing the feeling of motion and creating a view of depth..

"antioxidants and fiber" I thought the out shells of corn were cellulose and indigestible. That is why you poop corn if you don't chew it.

I can buy 15 pairs of $10 sunglasses and break one a week all summer long.. I just don't buy expensive sunglasses any longer..

Thats great.. Makes me want to set up a shooting range in international waters..

I have a video of me in the Everglades, being attacked by these UFOs..

All I can say is "Target Fixation"..

"abnormally rigid!?"

Interesting read.. never thought of doing this.. Not liking the idea of a flipping magnet inside my finger. But like the '6th sense to magnetic fields'.

How about not shipping the printer with a half filled cartridge..