
I see a winner coming out of this.. Those lawyers.

Doctor: "In this X-ray you can see they formed the shape of a "necklace", in this X-ray a "tube" in this x-ray a "cube", and this one a "sphere".. It seems she small intestines are having fun with them.. "

Its from years of sun burn.. You get use to the stinging sunburn pain.

Feels good under your arm..

"More expensive than usual" not surprised.. so is everything else...

Should spin the story and say he was the first to perpetuate sending emails to unknown people's email addresses in hopes they read it and follow his cause.. He invented SPAM..

Thank you Christina Hendricks and your motorboatable assets..

Yeap. And if memory serves me , if the waves are Frequency modulated, then in some points you get canceling effects and others you get amplifying effect, and you can adjust those effects if you change the phase of ether wave..

Sounds like they should first look into adjusting the phase shift of the carrier wave, modulating the secondary wave to cause a frequency variance that can be adjusted to include the signal.. In such a case they could propagate a half a billion signals over the same frequency and not cause interference.. Then

This is phone genocide.. They are going to kill all those phones just for being who they are..

You so witty!! We simple Americans couldn't come up with such a witty comment..

The rights to Hans in Carbonite is $1,000,000.

Take a skateboard deck, paint pink, apply graphics, attach pink strap.. sell for $120..

I think I found one.. So does any one know the IP address of the ISS?

My biggest gripe now-a-days.. Out of the box machines do not include a copy of windows install disk.. They only put a recovery partition in, so if you want to format and do a fresh install you have to purchase a W7 install.. The days when a Windows install disks were provided with the computer are over..

So does that mean I can put a little rosemary in the glue I'm huffing; balance things out..

You know extreme cases of poverty or financial debt can cause someone to bend or put aside their ethics as well.. One might say, ether end of the wealth spectrum is not healthy for ones ethics..

Sounds more like AT&T wants to put a tollbooth up on both sides of the bridge.. Still charge for a data plans, and now charge the app makers for their 'data plans'.

My comment didn't say "novel". (just that I saw it almost a year ago) But yes, the photo and link are for a home version.. 1000EUR.

Saw this a ways back.. put the shirt on the ironing dummy, push 'on', then take shirt off ironing dummy..