
If I saw one email of spam after shelling out that money I would sue them, for more money..

Yeah.. but I try to comment on many of the articles that gizmodo posts and I type fast.. so it was like 30secs of waste.. it would have been closer to 2mins had i watched the video, also the time spent slamming my head on my desk in hopes of forgetting it..

Well its better then massaging the prostate of the patient. I'm sure the elephant specimen collector is asking for the super sized one.

"I wish these.......were funnier." And with that I post this comment without even watching the video.. Thank you for saving 0:46secs of my life..

He just decreased supply to increase his asking price..

I have a 8mp camera on my phone I send clear pics of my junk..

Wow.. somebody should sponsor him a port-john.

Cool, but will it survive a drop out the window? or airplane? or a bear attack?

Way to go buddy.. You got allot of time to write up blurbs about all that junk.. (fire bucket?)

Phhhseesh. Follow Batman's lead with the Anti Shark Spray.. Boom!!!

Every time I watch this I laugh so hard.. This is great.

#8. A pool.. Ladies in bikinis, skinny dipping, enough said..

ahhhh.. the good cop / bad cop thing.. makes sense..

I was hungry.. officer..

So you bashed down doors and raided peoples houses, but haven't netted any actually charges? Looks like they are still sailing smoothly..

Yes.. but can you drop it from a airplane (13,000ft) and have it survive?

Why spend more on something that I wont use to it full potential. It can't say mine is cheap or poorly built. it works great and has for over 4 years with two kids, and many road trips. I would say it is effective, functional, and economical.

"Help Obe-Won your my only..... hold on never mind!!" (wack, wack) Empire defeated.. (Roll credits. )

We will grab it and bring it back to earths orbit.. Then we will call it Mini-Moon..

As Reese Bobby told Ricky Bobby," If your not first, your last!!!"