
Goodness no, they can whale on my beliefs (or rather lack thereof) all they want, but they could at least try to bring arguments that are less than 1000 years old to the game. Any belief that cannot stand scrutiny or challenge isn't worth having.

Churches have better PR reps than crack dealers.

Quite true, for most late in life converts, religion is just the latest addiction in a long line of mistakes.

Not to mention how mind-boggling it is for someone with adult faculties to buy into that nonsense. I mean you can't blame a person for being brainwashed as a child, but to made a conscious adult decision to believe fairy tales…

Oh yes, the freshly converted are way more pushy than the old-timers. The main thing that older Christians usually have going for them is parental guilt.

One guy explained that the sexual content is fine and that he “might
have consented” to read it in print, but the fact that it has drawings
of boobs or whatever “violates [his] conscience.”

Actually Singh said "My boyfriend is making me eat healthy". So we didn't get the name, but we do know he got engaged sometime during this season.