
you seem like a real dick.

dont say "whilst" unless you're trying to sound like a huge douchebag.


If you're buying I'll definitely attend your Phish concert for you (prefer MSG or Riviera Maya plz). They are lots of fun!

the Hood from vegas night 2 was amazing.

he hasn't even read the fucking book.

Not to be too much the troll, but I don't think the reviewer really gets what is happening. Saying this is all a retread of the tired douche/turd/everything sucks episode from 2004 misses the point. Everything sucking results from some grand conspiracy that randy is just beginning to uncover at the member berry

the frogurt has a prenup

did you miss the part of the episode where Giant Douche came to terms with the fact that he is unfit for the office and so needs Turd Sandwich to win?

maybe the point here is that the Equally Awful perspective from the original Giant Douche v Turd Sandwich episode is a function of the memba berries - when in the present reality, one candidate is awful, but the other candidate is awful and actually incapable of the position. South Park's format has shifted to

holy shit that sounds amazing

in the context of Tim Tebow, that's actually not as stupid an insight as it might appear. Lots of college QB's are excellent athletes if not excellent passers.

I can't decide if Steele Johnson's parents should be praised or flogged for that name. I'm going to go with 'flogged.'

I read that differently - that the last time he kissed someone, all kinds of bad things happened. Like, once bitten, twice shy; or every rose has it's thorn, or some other hairband ballad wisdom.

certainty and stupidity are the best of friends.

1. I've never said any such thing, nor do i believe that. Employers, have a responsibility to protect their employees to the extent they can and to the extent that they are aware of a threat. Firing an alleged rapist is fine. BUT, telling anyone in the world you fired the guy because he's a rapist is extremely

because lawyers embody justice, or conflict? Because, as maligned as lawyers tend to be, the system they created made and keeps america rich because of the reliable and mostly predictable system of justice - at least as it pertains to civil law. Our criminal justice system is kind of fucked up though.

tell that to the next young, urban black male that gets shot while wearing red or blue

I have no issue with UCB firing the guy. I said many times that I think they probably did the right thing. ('probably' because I, like you, am aware of only two accusations - one is hearsay, and the other is anonymous and thus completely unverifiable)

"No, it is not OK to pillory this guy (or any man/woman/child/person) without a single credible accusation."