Dr Freeze

Goes to pull the chute.  Fingers break just trying.

Holy shit.  Is there any way to block this fucktard so I NEVER have to read a single comment from him EVER AGAIN???

Fkn sicko.  I hope he loses everything.  And gets raped in prison.  And castrated.

Not my ex.

Prepaid legal sucks camel balls. Legalshield

What IF...

CLICKBAIT!!! Sarah Sanders has a very tough job to do. She isn’t in the presidents head, let alone at all times. She might as well have asked what the president would do if aliens from another planet attacked us on Earth. This was an absurdly loaded question and entirely irrelevant to be asking the chief of the

Can somebody PLEASE tell me the exact most comfortable chair to buy for someone 6'2" (or 6'1.999999" lol) and 200-210 lbs? I have a bad back and might off myself if I had to give up gaming. Something to pull out and put my legs on is kinda nice too. Cost $500 or less. Preferably less. TYVM

RIP GameCrazy Game Crazy #ripgamecrazy #gamecrazy

THANK YOU for that link. EPIC. My beloved C64 died when I could not connect to any BBS with my 30o baud modem and I unplugged it and plugged it in upside down and turned it on. Fried.

I once paid circuitcity like$2,300 for the first laptop that could play a dvd. The battery wouldn’t last a whole two hours so it was frivolous.

DOS was cheaper. Free, possibly, if a homegrown flavor. Thus it was likely DOS.

You sure you didn’t work for an adult video rental service... lol ;)

Gamestop CEO: “What is this DOS thing they speak of? Implement it worldwide, IMMEDIATELY!!” (With a devilish grin and manical laugh).

Throw a wrench in the system and they will be forced to upgrade, lol.

There were countless flavors of MSDOS back then. Dr DOS. MS DOS. Norton’s DOS. You name it. If it wasn’t MS/Windows, it was probably a varying flavor of DOS.

I personally did POS upgrades at HomeDepot for awhile. At least they tried to keep updated.

XP would work fine. Just not supported by MS anymore. So certainly not bulletproof. MMany companies still use it under a GUI overlay. Many photo printing machines and kiosks. CEOs mistakenly believe it’s safe due to stand-alone. ME is a totally dif. beast.

You are going down now foe sure, mofo. Better sell your disk now or shape up quick if you dlc’d it.

I was hoping for watchdogs but that was pushed back to summer 2014...