
Wow as I read more and more comments you people are the biggest bunch of fa%%^ts imaginable. What a bunch of girls you boys are. NIG%&R NIG%&R OH DONT CRY GIRLS ITS JUST A WORD. Who cares if BLMs is offended. Their lives are no more important than anyone else. BTW. if you losers put down your game control and read a

Ahhh your little snowflake ears heard a bad word. Are you losers that play video games as adults offended. How about getting a f&^king job losers, a real job not a job playing a video game. You people that are older than 16 yrs old and still playing video games my question is do you plan on ever growing up or are we

Your own stupid party disavows the antifa movement shit for brains Russias calling comrade

Deny nothing blacks live in ghettos because they know no better and whites live in suburbia because we can and we dont want to live like pigs in run down houses and dirty neighborhoods simple enough for you pinhead. But hey at least they have a nice car right apt looks like shit but check out the 20's on my whip..

So lets see 2 Americas a black one and a white one. very progressive Not... just a typical racist. Dems are the real racists then blacks which by the way are very racist most blacks hate whites but not all or most whites hate blacks we just hate the thugs, rappers and criminals. Dems are a very sorry bunch you lost

So will we start tearing down the pyramids they were built by slaves. Weren’t slaves owned like 140 yrs ago and were still dealing with this hey you dems go read your history you folks were on the wrong side of slave ownership and segragation in the fifties dems voted for segragation even LBJ supported segragation

Wow your a real jackass. What are you ashamed to be white. Im not ne er eas never will be. Most problems blacks have is because of their own racial bias. Not my problem. They see race in everything just like you jackass. Nooo... your not stoking the flames of racism not in the least. Your a hack your article is an

These people protest because why again oh yeah little babies cant handle DT as their president. So lets see B.O. never was protested like this. Seems the dems cant handle the fact that the police will now fight back to these protesters. You know the same demonstrators that hate the cops. I say give them all the fire