When I was a kid, I didn't have any set-top consoles. I read strategy guides and magazines, and lived games…
When I was a kid, I didn't have any set-top consoles. I read strategy guides and magazines, and lived games…
Dreamcast is the most underrated console of all time. When it was released it was cutting edge for the times, it had all the best games including Mavel vs Capcom 2 exclusively.
To this day i remain soooo butthurt that i sold my dreamcast wheni got my ps2 all those years ago. God the games were so fun.
As E3 made abundantly clear, we are on the cusp of the transition to a new console generation. What consoles can do,…
The Apollo-Soyuz crew included Donald "Deke" Slayton. One of the original Mercury Seven, he was grounded by a heart problem; he became head of the astronaut office. Everyone knew that Apollo-Soyuz was the last train out of Dodge. It was to be the last Apollo flight ever, and the Space Shuttle was still more or less on…
The first EVA by Alexey Leonov. He only had a 50 foot piece of wire to tether him to the space craft and the Russians didn't account for the pressure (or lack there of) in space so his space suit ballooned up to the point where he couldn't get back though the hatch. So he had to release some pressure by undoing the…
In related news, KFC is still in business, so...there's that.
I can tell that from reading this thread that you are as arrogant as Phil Fish is.
You don't care because you can't fucking argue against it. Phil Fish is a parasitic game developer who thinks he is all that, and a bag of chips. He's not the indie scene's golden boy and he never will be. He's an irritable man. And sorry, just because a handful of people said they "hate him" doesn't give him the…
Stupidity is defending some fucktard who claims he's singled out all the damn time. Know why he gets singled out for being a whiny bitch? Because he says stupid shit and expects it to just be okay. Suck my dick, choke on it, comes to mind.
Just take the easy way out like Fish and tell us to kill ourselves. And then complain about the ugliness of the industry immediately afterwards.
Whitknighting Fish. LOL, now we've seen everything.
There is a saying out there that goes, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
ok how about
its called karma... its a real bitch
Anyone who can be "egged on" so easily, well... Let's just say that if this were actually happening, I'd be overjoyed. Phil Fish is a terrible person on many levels. That said, this is all a joke. Within a week he'll be back on twitter spouting nonsense, and Fez 2 is most certainly not cancelled.