
How was Kane nominated for bing? He's a complete prick. St Louis had some very notable unsportsmanlike moments this year. I guess it doesn't take much with hockey to be considered a good guy.

Good point, maybe fullback then. Point is, he's not going to be a qb, he needs to realize this and adjust his horizon.

No doubt he could play a great te. He just refuses to not be a qb.

Have you looked at his numbers in the games he won for Denver? He won a game attempting less than 10 passes. Most of the games the scored fewer than 20 points. Yes, clearly his an play is what put them over the top. Sometimes defenses get hot and one advantage to not throwing the ball is that you're not turning it

He's a good athlete, just not a qb. Kind of like how he claims to be pious but doesn't have the humility to admit he's not Wh material or address his shortcomings...or even not have a press conference as a backup.


The sequels to Jurassic park, not eragon

If the intent is to keep him jailed why offer a bond at all?

The problem isn't the modern player eniterly...there's the players decades ago who made tens of thousands rather than tens of millions. They didn't know about insurance issues and debilitating long-term injuries that affect high contact sports players. Also most people only think about the mmillionares...what about

You say it's ludicrous that the woman accosts Amanda over her husband. As true as it is for the woman to do that, it's something that I could see actually happening, especially in a small community like that still trying to deal with the new alien and cultural changes that have been forced on them.

It's a valid point, but that's not the goal of contrarians. They want abstinence. Full stop. Is this practical or even feasible? Absolutely not. It won't stop them for pushing for a 100% ideal and punishing those out of compliance with raising an unwanted child.

Simply put, it's a technicality. It's not the judge's place to create policy, it's the fda's. The judge should just say yes you can or no you can't. The only reason I can imagine they'd do this is so that no one can later claim that things were done improperly.

From the get go io9 has been down on the show saying it uses recycled sci fi and western tropes. i09 goes out of it's way to try to compare it to firefly when there is really no comparison (aside from a vague western theme).

And people say the prison system doesn't work, look, those guys were in jail for a couple years and they've learned to be CEOs!

Security works best when it is transparent. The only way to know if something is secure is to tell the world about it and let them try to break it. Going around keeping it a secret pretending it is safe is a fairly dangerous assumption.

Is it just me or does 2000 black holes around something the size of a galaxy seem like such a small number that there would be hundreds of thousands of lightyears between them?

Why is the speed of light relevant to us spreading humanity off of earth? Sure it makes it less practical but it isn't a never situation. I've had this discussion before. Look at the technological advances we've made in the past century. Compare that to the advances of the last 50 years, the last decade. Unguided

So you're saying they were asking for it by being dressed provocatively?

They have voting registration at the same place as the driver's license renewal. When you register to vote you can optionally list your affiliation because some states require you to be a party member to vote in a primary.