
I don’t get the hate. He’s been a quiet and effective advocate for change. He was anonymously bailing out people in Ferguson and Baltimore, and has always advocated for Black ownership and causes. He isn’t a social Republican. He is for self help and improvement and that shows in everything he and Bey do.

Kaepernick got a settlement from the NFL and a big Nike sweatshop endorsement deal. He no longer has to get hit or worry about brain damage and can be a speaker and corporate activist for the rest of his days. Jay-Z apparently finessed his way into the NFL, which had no black owners with a majority stake.

Versions of mermaids have emerged independent of Assyria everywhere from Japan (Ningyo) to Cameroon (Jengu). You can have Black mermaids, yellow mermaids, White, whichever. Many seafaring societies developed their own variants, independent of each other. 

Last sentence aside, I thought this was a very thoughtful, informative, peaceful (non-combative) and interesting post. I actually believe this is the kind of dialogue we need to have in order to build bridges and gain understanding. Thank you!

Yes, in a story which was set in the Caribbean. This new version therefore corrects that prior mistake.

Ariel is from an underwater kingdom. Her nationality is never stated. 

Ariel’s neither black or white... she’s mermaid... that’s her race, mermaid... so any woman regardless of race can play her. So how ‘bout we all shut the fuck up and discuss what really matters, like getting the upcoming election right this time with our heads out our asses, or much needed mental health for teens on

Though, seeing Hellfire in live action would be AMAZING. 

Dude I’m white and I have to say I’m ashamed and pissed about this manufactured controversy. I think she will be a beautiful mermaid! If someone doesn’t like it don’t watch it! Poeple should be pissed because Disney can’t come up with an original idea for a movie. Fucking idiot racists! Although it’s not my place

I was fooled by that for a minute. I was littler. My dad laughed so hard at me. He still reminds me sometimes 🤨 #HalleBaileyIsMyAriel

She is pretty too.

Apparently Disney disagrees 

Ariel is not Danish. She is a mythical half fish half human. I guarantee if you look into the history of Danish people famous or common you will not find one mention of a half fish, half human.

Make all the excuses you want, but if you were going to see a movie until you found out they gave the lead to a black actor that makes you a fucking racist.

can I just say that as a white person, I am sorry and embarrassed at the reactions of dopey white people?  Whether anyone reading this can believe that not all white people are such jerks is for them to decide, but I simply must apologize.   All these comments are spot on.  -signed,   we do write

People love to equate casting a non white person in a previously white role to doing the opposite. they are not the same thing for the reason that anyone who argues against this type of thing always seems to forget or be ignorant of...Power. Whiteness has been the default for so long in so many things. If you cast a

I have to admit that this kind of rubbed me the wrong way when I first heard about it. Not “I’m going to Twitter to yell about it” mad. Nor did I even care enough to say anything about it aloud. I just wanted it to be as much like the cartoon original because I personally don’t want the beauty of the originals to be

White Twitter? Be honest. This is a subset of whites best known as Trump supporters or Nazi Twitter.

When the monkeys in the zoo start flinging shit, it doesn’t do anyone any good to yell at the monkeys. Just go elsewhere and they’ll get over it.

As far as I know there are no DANISH mermaids. They live under the sea. And they’re not real. As for not being true to the original story, have these people read it? It’s a tragic ending not happy. Disney has already changed the fundamental moral of the story.