The fan base for NASCAR is not one you want to throw complex algorithms and rules at.
The fan base for NASCAR is not one you want to throw complex algorithms and rules at.
Counter point: Guy whose business acumen has led him to become an uber driver criticizes the business strategy of CEO who built a $70 billion company. CEO holds his ground.
The 14 stunned birds were later quoted as saying “They were so good at the beginning of the season, what the fuck happened?!”
An early FA pitch for Mike Trout
The Padres say it’s not that bad, but it feels bad.
What would Ferris Bueller do?
Everyone knows that, if you’re a football player that grows up and goes to school in Texas, that the alphabet is something you only learn if you decide to pursue a graduate degree.
The whole recent history of Detroit is in that shot. Spectacular rise of the car, glorious 60s followed by a sharp plummet, hitting the ground, wrecked, surrounded by a mob and the police.
Midpack, like always.
I absolutely murdered a bag of Doritos.
That’s nothing! One time I went as far as to say “Hey, man, that’s like, not cool, man.”
I got violent on weed once. Wrote an internet comment in all caps.
Lawyer: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we’ve all heard the expression, “Shoot or get off the pot.”
“You would try to say that repeated and prolonged use of marijuana had an effect on his brain so he couldn’t form clear intent to commit first-degree murder.”
I thought it far more likely that the PCP was the drug making him even more paranoid and violent than he was at Florida.
Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?