A far easier approach is to NOT COUNT unbelted fatalities as auto fatalities. Instead create a new “idiot” category for them. Lumping them in with belted occupants unfairly penalizes the auto industry and leads to idiotic things like automatic seat belts.
Sorry about Sweden btw. Heard it was brutal.
Like, the fuck do people expect him to say?
Wait you mean Bannon right? Trump prefers the Russian version.
Man, i hated rotary phones. You had to start all the way from the beginning if you made a mistake and didn’t dial the reich number.
Glad everything turned out ok, but let’s not pretend those German Typhoons were there to ensure the safety of the flight and its passengers.
“This is a tragedy.”
It’s worth noting that the Samurai weighs half what a Nitro weighs.
FXX used to be Fox Soccer (the name alone explains its demise.)
I never use my phone when I drive. I’m not trying to hold the wheel, my phone, and my beer; that’d be irresponsible.
It’s a joke, Hal. And open the pod bay doors already.
“The Kushners remain interested in corruption, and would love to delay the payoff until it doesn’t look so bad.”
“I’m interested in a powerful position in government and I’m willing to bribe you with a baseball team.”
Julien is a very similar coach to Therrien in terms of style so I’d be curious to see how much actually changes up there. All of those things square peg, not playing to kid’s strengths. All were said of Julien in Boston regarding Pastrnak, Carlo, etc
Jeremy Jacobs 100 percent gave the OK on this just to save a couple hundred thousand dollars.
Yeah.... there’s no way you’re not enjoying this.