They could have just called it the Montero instead.
They could have just called it the Montero instead.
I always assumed they sold cars to sub-prime buyers like Kia, so they had a captive audience?
I hope somebody is there to remind the burglars of the mess they left when they went away.
Isn’t it ironic?
Soon we’ll all need Coyotes to lead us into Canada.
He chose to have that message in his videos. He chose it. He could have done the ‘joke’ with dozens of other phrases, but he CHOSE an anti-semitic message. He WANTED an anti-semitic message in his videos.
As a Jew that has been subjected to the side-splitting ‘hilarity’ of folks cracking Jews-in-the-oven jokes (right alongside the dead baby jokes, just for that touch of class), who gives a flying shit?
I’m a literal professional comedian. I’m not sure you have any idea what comedy is about. Putting Anti-Semitism on stuff without any sort of context isn’t a joke
You keep saying it’s a joke, how? How’s it funny.
Cmon, in what way is paying people to write down antisemetic slogans not funny?
This joke has context. And entire movie’s worth of context.
Yes, of course. This is exactly like The Producers.
What’s funny about someone with million of followers, exploiting poor workers, to make a statement that is specific to a group, who have been killed in mass numbers in the past for being who they are?
Can’t wait for the comments about how Pewdiepie is either the victim or should get off.
How is this funny? Saying an anti-semitic comment without any context isn’t funny. It just means he’s an asshole. The fact that you find it hilarious is very telling of your opinions towards Jews.
When you’ve won Stormfront’s support you done fucked up.
As a Chewbacca I tend to think of it the way I do the South and Slavery. A relatively small percentage of Southerners owned slaves and directly profited from the slave trade but almost all of them were racist as fuck and generally ok with the system as it existed, so fuck ‘em.
This reminds me of Sherman Alexie’s comments about romances in westerns (against a backdrop of indigenous genocide): LOVE! ON THE TRAIL OF TEARS! And I began to notice in how many films set in the developing world do white people fall in love. Rwandan genocide? Indonesian military takeover? No place is too squalid; no…
Y’know, as a Jew I’m pretty tired of the narrative that most Germans (and Europeans) were the good guys and it was a few bad apple Nazis. Stop it. You’re minimizing the heroism of those who DID stand against fascism.