Snow White and the 12 dwarves of Moira

I definitely want to see that!

Nope. It doesn’t matter if it’s his “private” account, the presidential records and freedom of information act are pretty clear it’s all communications he makes as president that are not classified. This wasn’t a private email to a friend, it was a public pronouncement he made as president.

Of course coachella is run by evil. Seriously, anything that obsessed with free spirits and youth culture always is.

Canada has a really different relationship with indigenous identity than the US, there is such thing as being a “status Indian” and the Metis referenced are a mixed French indigenous heritage group who have an even weirder relationship with status and the government. Canada also has much better records of indigenous

There are lots of fair weather supporters, and some of them are ultra right wing racists who would never vote for a “mainstream” candidate. You make trump normal and pathetic and they won’t turn out in 4 years. It’s more about turn out than changing mind these days, make the fair weather idiots stay home... Win the

I’ve thought about this a lot. I think the laughter does help after weighing everything. Even if only because it distracts trump from spending time being terrible. I also think it gives fair weather supporters an out. If trump is a joke, they can leave when he acts nuts, because, man, he was always off but who knew it

I’ve taught middle school in Detroit in a pretty terrible now closed school. I’ve never seen or heard of anyone reacting that badly. It was beyond he pale. Teaching high risk kids is hard and it wasn’t for me but I can’t even conceive of the level of sustained wrath and spite she managed.

I’m sure the kids were being terrible. I was a middle school teacher in a terrible Detroit school and you just have to roll with the abuse because you are the adult. Your job is to be the adult. I had kids throw stuff at me (not well, they cut gym and the cafeteria food wasn’t exactly nutritious), make fun of how I

That’s actually the point. It forces you to choose what is MOST true to distinguish similar emotions/behaviors etc. it’s why happiness inventories say things like “on a scale of 1 to 100, where 1 is not happy at all and 100 is extremely happy, how would you rate your happiness right now? Do not use multiples of 5.”

We lost my grandmother, a life long lefty who spent her retirement volunteering for the democrats, in June. She didn’t get to vote for Hillary this year (she did vote for her in 2008) and when she was very very sick and in and out at the end we just went ahead and told her Hillary was president. Don’t fuck this up

Best part of working with federal employees, no political apparel allowed!

Woah woah woah, slow down. This is all very technical. You’re saying, if I don’t vote, I won’t have voted? But I posted angry Facebook statuses, doesn’t that count?

I could be wrong about this, it supposedly had to do with the molding method, I think there was still some finishing... Griswold and Wagner were the two big old school brands, their pans are also thinner. Mine are mostly Griswold and at least 60 years old (they’re older than my dad is all I really know about their

They stopped because there is a technology difference. The old way it was made is not really feasible now when producing smaller quantities of all sorts of cast iron. The old flat stuff wasn’t actually sanded. eBay still has some good stuff, I’ve never tried to buy cast iron but I am bidding on some vintage doc

Never thought of that, eBay maybe? Vacation to the cast iron belt? Baking using nothing but hot sand?

Don’t do this in upstate New York in October. You will lose toes.

I have never seen anyone as jealous as my “foodie” friend when he saw the 7 pieces of cast iron including a full size skillet and Dutch oven I inherited from my grandmother. At a minimum they’re 60 years old and gorgeous.

That’s what I do...mostly, I do slow up to smoke, then slow back down to 350ish, then slow to 200 then off to cold but still sitting in oven.

Look for smooth old cast iron at a flea market and reseason.i have my grandmother’s and it is spectacular compared to lodge.