Snow White and the 12 dwarves of Moira

I was a Girl Scout from age 7 - 17 (I was super cool in high school) and it was just a wonderful experience. It provided a ton of cool knowledge, skills, friends, and confidence. I am beyond happy this program is expanding to more homeless girls who could really use the embrace of such a welcoming, safe community. I

That’s a good point, I feel like badass is the primary adjective for athletic women and is, of course, accurate but we could be more creative. Awe inspiring, godlike, magnetic, hardcore, superhuman, kickass...

I am defining the term “disproportionate.” I am advocating in no direction, just providing a useful definition. If we want to talk about appropriate or fair representation that’s entirely different than talking about underrepresentation or disproportionate representation. There is a reason minority groups are

As long as the speech doesn’t aim to insight violence or harm through other means, like yelling fire in a movie theater, they have the right to assemble in public space if other groups have been allowed to use that space for assembly. I, personally, believe this is a good thing. I believe that in order to protect my

#main characters in subgroup/#total main characters < #people in subgroup/population. That would be how you quantify it. It is definitely true and well documented in terms of race and sex, I’m not sure how much work has been done on differently abled population representation but my guess is that it is also low.

I really needed this story today.

Oh come on, grey? I have only ever been trite and funny when not sharing my grandmother’s death. I’m not a big commenter but now, after all this time, I should be able to make a 1 word arrested development joke in the black. I should have known that Kinja is a microcosm of speech in general and that following


This is well thought out, beautifully written, and insightful. As such, it has no place on the Internet.

They generally just say things like, “why do you have a sword?” And “this is America not game of thrones land, please bring a rifle instead next time you visit this grocery store.”

Just once I want to be in a situation where someone tells me, “please put the sword down; it doesn’t go with the outfit.”

I know about some of them, children of god/family international and the FLDS both spring to mind, both have received negative coverage and some legal challenges and have histories of abuse. I’m sure there are many more. Oh and that whole Christian patriarchy/ATI/quiverfull/Duggar nightmare

I’m not sure that’s the right comparison. If David miscavige was an Islamic (or Christian or Jewish or Hindu or name a religion) sect’s leader and was locking up people, engaging in forced labor, assaulting people, turning a blind eye to child and sexual abuse, demanding members pay thousands of dollars, and

I think they were given a script for the publicity tour intended to make sure men watched the show too...and that didn’t come across well.

I only use nontoxic cleansers live vinagre when I clean in dresses in front of men so that when they comment and I spray them in the eyes with the cleaner it’s a “funny joke” that burns but doesn’t result in blindness or assault charges.

I’m just going to assume that’s sarcastic. But if not, switch to making your own! It’s soooo much better. Chickpeas + tahini+ sea salt + raw garlic+ lemon juice, thin with olive oil and/or water to taste. It’s also pretty cheap, you can make a ton of batches on one bottle of tahini and play around with flavors. I

If you already don’t drink Pepsi, you can boycott their many other brands they own found here: they include Aquafina, Quaker Oats, Tostitos, cheetos, Gatorade, naked juice, sabra hummus, lays, and many more!

We wrote slave narratives based on biographical info at that age. In retrospect, a little weird but I think the goal was to get us to empathize with the slaves by imagining their lives. Making posters as slave owners would... good god, why???

My job is to support the academic social research trump wants to destroy. I’ll be at work. I will then call my asshole tea party congress dickhead at all his offices over and over and over all week.

The numbers are almost always dead people, otherwise SSA would get suspicious way faster that 2 people were paying in simultaneously.