Snow leopard

For me, it was an age thing. I played a lot of RPG’s when I was a young teen but started switching more to western titles like Baldur’s Gate. KOTOR and Elder Scrolls as I got older. Western titles just seemed more mature and realistic compared to the heavily stylized and melodramatic nature of games like Final Fantasy


@Arken: Is it fucked up that I now perceive my iPod touch as being a tiny iPad?

Pff who needs an experiment?

@BrandonSweet: They keep hanging around New Jersey because stupid people keep feeding them…

@Caw_Miller: I spent half a year living in Shanghai and I’d be lying if everyday doesn’t feel like you’re in Blade runner lol. They don’t have hover cars yet but they certainly have a lot of giant Asian women smiling at you.

@diabadass: Lol that’s awesome. Curse World of Warcraft and its seamlessly integrated environments! I need more load screens.

I play games and I’m not fat. Then again I’m not as skinny as I used to be. I’d say "ghoulish" would be an accurate adjective.

@whoamarcos: You must train a padawan blender to knighthood.

@Mr.Anansi: Lo and behold the post was corrected like five minutes after I published this rant lol. Though, still, it's my bad. Should have paid close attention to the beginning of the trailer.

@Crrash: It was alright. I probably would have enjoyed it more had every one of the movie’s ads not given out every single plot point from the film. I personally thought Despicable Me was a lot more visually and musically inventive. That movie’s soundtrack is killer.

I’m sorry but this movie looks awful. I still can’t believe there was an actual bullet-time joke in that trailer. Matrix fight scene references were only funny the first two thousand times.

Is that BB King in the fourth one down?

@b33g33: Studio Exec: I don’t know, guys. It’s pretty much the exact same plot as Despicable Me.

Am I the only person who didn’t think the Social Network was all that amazing? Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it was a bad film. It was well acted, well directed, and well shot, but the plot was so predictable that I felt like I was watching an extended version of the trailer. I was hoping for more on the impact of

This reminds me of a story my dad told me about my old Sicilian great grandfather. He took the old man to see the Godfather when it was out in theaters. While my dad was mesmerized and horrified by the violence and betrayal on screen my great grandfather started losing interest and soon fell completely asleep. The old

@Sh1nob1_Qc: I saw aliens when I was ten and sure I had nightmares for the next few nights on end about chestbursters and face rape but hey I turned out fine. Then again, I had nightmares for days after seeing The Thing for the first time when I was 19. So maybe I’m just a big baby.

They wont stop until video games look more real than we do.

@Is this the end of Milhouse: Nah don’t worry about that. This film’s strictly a comedy. It’s got a lot more explosive silliness and less thoughtful rumination on the nature of mortality and loss.