Snow leopard

Wow. In the arm? What were they playing punch buggy or something? This whole story is just embarrassing for everyone involved.

Oh China's military technology. It's either cheap knockoffs or second hand vehicles they bought from a Soviet Union garage sale.

@ScriptedError: January 25th is a little too early. We're probably going to see something like a patch every 4 or 6 months.

I haven't seen the new Tron yet but then again I haven't seen the original because Disney still won't release it on any format for me to view. I'd love to catch up and see the new one but I don't feel like hunting down ludicrously priced DVD's on eBay or desperately try to find out which one of my friends (most of

@Zhejan: No, we may get to kill him in a later patch but for now Deathwing is free to roam around killing everyone. He flies randomly over old world zones and kills whoever is there then moves on. It's not possible to damage him yet as he's so high up. He will most likely be a raid boss in the last patch of this

@a.seivewright: You could feasibly do an edge of the galaxy but yeah, edge of space is a little presumptuous lol.

#3 god damn that girl can kick high. Must be all the crazy pills.

I know its kind of cliché at this point but whenever there are bored kids at family gatherings I give them angry birds to play with on my iPad. It’s even better if you’ve already beaten all the levels. The younger kids just keep throwing birds at stuff and see what happens, regardless as to whether they win or not. If

@Annalee Newitz: Don’t even get me started on the Odyssey. All I’m saying is that it was a sequel that was in no way needed and it completely betrayed the Iliad’s loyal fanbase. Seriously, don’t make a sequel if you can’t get the whole cast back for another epic poem. Sheesh :P

You need to be afraid to have courage.

@twophrasebark: Nah toasting ewoks has gotten pretty standard issue for the Star Wars video games as of late. Battlefront has a whole awesome level of stormtroopers versus ewoks. If you love ‘em you can play as a little furry bastard and take down the troops. If you hate ‘em…well, it’s a regular teddy bear slaughter

@Arken: Well, if they’re taking it the direction the last movie did, there’s going to be very little about it that resembles actual real people or history.

How are they going to make another Brothers Grimm movie without Heath Ledger? Or is this a complete reboot? Either way there’s a serious lack of original ideas here.

I remember seeing trailers for this movie last January. I think it’s had its date pushed back like three times. Either way, movies released in January are most always awful. It’s like the "everything most go" sale of Hollywood.

@Charlie Jane Anders: Much better! Now, I have a wonderful mental picture of a cadre of menacing robots and men in tights throwing Reese out of the studio. She then wipes her mouth, spits out a tooth, and shouts back that they should have never given those dirty androids money.

Well, the title’s a little misleading. It doesn’t sound like she’s specifically against sci-fi movies but rather the kind of big-budget 3-D special effects spectacles that are getting made today. I don’t really blame her. The roles for women in these films suck. To add to that, you need to deal with green screens,

@wjbean: I’m sorry but 16 is only two years away from eighteen. This isn’t a ten year old we’re talking about here and this isn’t some kid lighting a bag of poo on fire or stealing a pack of cigarettes. If by 16, you’re too dumb and immature to realize that attacking major financial institutions is a bad thing than

@wjbean: There’s being a teen and then there’s being a complete asshole. I sure as hell didn’t digitally attack any financial institutions when I was in high school.

@HobbitGamer: Oh yeah and I was agreeing with you. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear lol