Snow leopard

@BuckieJoe: Damn right. My bio-tech needs to understand pain…and anger.

So will I be able to install my genetically engineered bio-organic semi-sentient motherboard into this thing in 40 years? Or will it just screech as it unsuccessfully tries to shove its neuro-tentacles into the USB ports?

@Liam is now a photo editor: I really wouldn't put it past Apple to make some kind of app or OS named rainbow. Ya know, like maybe in fifteen years or so when people aren't so awkward about it.

@Snow leopard: Never mind, post was updated. Thanks, Rosa!

@OMG! Ponies!: It looks like they’ve updated it since my original comment. Before it was just Rosa saying "wassup, new OSX patch is out" lol.

What's in this update?

@bizzo98: Accepting foreign aid is a tough call for some governments to make, especially if relations with those aiding you are on the complicated side. Would the United States let CCP relief workers into the country if we had a disaster? On the one hand, you get a helping hand but at the same time you risk letting a

It’s like if Ratatouille joined the hurt locker.

Nah, I’m not seeing it. They would have been better off just using a really good makeup team. Even in the flashback scene he looks pretty fake.

I’ll buy both as long as they fight each other when placed in close proximity.

I read this just as drinking bottled water. Awesome!

Man, it seems like everyone’s going after Apple because they’re on

@Dan2593: Unless it’s actually an enjoyable game. Then people will

I still don’t understand why they don’t just call this Dinoriders.

This just in! Chris Evans has been let go and replaced by that blond guy who played Rorie’s boyfriend in the last season of Gilmore Girls. Do you know who I’m talking about? I’ve course you don’t. But the good news is he’ll do a whole movie for little more than a sandwich and pack of cigarettes.

@nuclearbalm: I’m just confused as to if they’re using the same kids or not. Heck, even Shark Boy’s now a full grown werewolf and that movie came out after Spy Kids 3D.

@Charlie Jane Anders: Lol Honestly, Fast (and Furious) wasn’t that far from being believable considering all they did the last time around was take out "The". Meanwhile, Fast 5 sounds like some kind of shaving gel.

@callmeisolde: That came out in late September though. Hollywood kind of considers the summer movie season over once the kids go back to school.

There’s a Spy Kids 4 coming out? What are those kids like 23 now?