
Yah, more like RoadHog and anyone else. Why? Because that character is broken, I can’t wait for it to get NERFED with the HOOK 2.0 so all the RoadHog mains who abuse this broken character stary crying. It’s going to be GREAT.

Another great example of Blizzard being tacky with their games.

Yes, it is a letdown. Specially the way Mei’s ultimate works. But then again it’s Blizzard what they have in resources they lack in imagination. Wait didn’t they come up with all the Lore for WOW? They sure are creative folks. No, they ripped it off from Warhammmer much like Disney ripped off the Lion King, but nobody

If you think fanservice is only nudity, boobs and ass then you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. Fanservices is a lot more than that, fanservices is literally when the characters does things to pleases their fans be it, having X interest, acting in X ways, the way they look, what they wear, saying X