
Also Mike's cubby hole of cash reminded me of Walt stashing his money under the family house in breaking bad

Haha true.

What are the odds Rebecca is a bad guy? I got ten bucks on it. Also 35ml syringe bonus isn't enough to cause an air embolus in a teen usually, but 24 isn't exactly a documentary.

It manages the tri factor of misogyny, racism and islamophobia all in an hour and I have a feeling we might get some homophobia through the CTU guy next episode.

Fred Willard looked really jaundiced :(

Pretty sure Brooker used to be a games journalist so has a reasonable idea how games companies work.

Did everybody get a frame of pixel glitch when she was being interrogated by the little girl? That makes me believe the simulation/alternate reality thing is gonna drop

Anybody could've seen the shooter long before he was close, especially the guys the restaurant.leaving so much to chance seems unprofessional, but maybe that was the point, as it appears he didn't get all his targets

It was beautiful but the way that shooter approached was too telegraphed. The dark army wouldn't send assassins to cross the street walking in a straight line when openly carrying a machine gun. It just took me out if it, along with Dom's psychic reactions that present during mass shootings. Great ep but still…

In the 12 monkeys behind the scenes Terry Gilliam said Willis tried to take over and Gilliam basically told him stfu and let him direct. Seemed to work. Smith seems like a nice guy but boy this film looks atrocious

Spaghetti handful is my new favourite ska band

I prefer crisp and dry

That new up and coming DEO agent was impressive. Officer Exposition will go a long way.

Haha true. Would be cool to have a Brown face to replace estes

The show is definitely better as the season progresses but correct me if I'm wrong; every ethnic person seems to be a terrorist/complicit or grossly incompetent? I'm surprised Carrie has trouble finding the bad guys. Just look for the non whites…