They won for Best Writing with "Parents" last year. I could see them at least winning that one again. Angela Bassett will probably get a guest nomination and very well could win as well. It's not far-fetched.
They won for Best Writing with "Parents" last year. I could see them at least winning that one again. Angela Bassett will probably get a guest nomination and very well could win as well. It's not far-fetched.
This episode's gonna win an Emmy or two later this year.
My favorite is the one that's like:
This. Unless my hands are full, that is.
I think the anthology aspect of it will help, too. I'm hoping they can get another big name to play the defendant in S2.
This news is so beautiful, Anne Flatch fainted when she saw it.
Hahaha that's so great. I need to rewatch S1. I only had time to rewatch some of S2 this weekend after finishing it on Friday, but S1 is a priority.
I think my favorite Arnold thing is his insistence to greet every Italian person he meets by saying "during the daytime".
This is perhaps the only show I feel truly inclined to binge watch anymore. I've already finished the second season, and now I'm fully considering rewatching both seasons before the weekend is out. Probably my favorite current show.
Was there enough Beth in this episode?
Yes! That box was right next to the old school onesshe grabbed. Impossible not to notice. It in no way takes away from my enjoyment of the show, but for a show that takes place in the past for at least one-third of every episode, you'd think they'd do a better job of this. My other nit to pick was with the…
This is probably not the right thing to remark on, but I was very distracted by the modern day food/beer labels that were in view during the cereal aisle scene with Dr. K.
I think that has been the highlight of my week so far. That bit was genius.
Jane/Petra 2016
I always just feel bad for her. Not in a pitying way, but in more of a "can the writers please just throw her ONE bone?" way.
I literally texted my sister "YAAASSSS PETRA" after that scene. I was channeling my inner Ilana Wexler.
The first season is on Hulu. It's one of their originals.
I am all aboard the Luisa/Susanna ship. Luisa needs some good in her life, damnit.
I would recommend watching Eliza Coupe in Casual. She has a recurring role on that show, which ended up being one of my favorite series last year.