Snorkeldink Rivendell

Yeah, you don’t wanna go Full Monty.

I will NOT be orphan-kitty-pelt-suit shamed by you or ANYONE

And is that Rebecca Romijn, who’s had one of the best fuck-this-I’m-not-modelling-anymore-so-I’m-eating-again careers, ever.

Despite it being customary round these parts to take time to post an insightful comment I must deviate juuuust this one time.

Can you imagine how warped the paper is going to be if you print a cyan background?

. . . there's only one type of valentine that's okay to hand to your special chum this year . . .

only one type of valentine that's okay to hand to your special chum

I'm feeling kind of shamed by the amount of hate for "natural" remedies on here. There is a lot of science behind probiotics, yet they are still considered a natural remedy, and you can only get the strong stuff and the vaginal suppositories at those granola homeopathic pharmacies, so what gives? We know that when you

/long rant

A male friend was a victim of domestic abuse. A female friend was a victim of domestic abuse. They did not have the same experiences getting help, etc because of gender roles, homophobia, sexism, etc. There is a place and need in society for general and specific help.

If MRAs really cared about Mens Rights,


So in the scene in the alley, my husband excitedly exclaimed about Frank, "He has a blackjack!" And then had to explain to me that a blackjack is "an easily concealed weapon." To which I responded, "Oh, because Frank's ancestor's nickname is Black Jack Randall!" Well-punned, Outlander writers!

So how many people are calling DishTV to dump Starz today?

Did anyone notice Claire reaction to Rupert's "that's what she said" joke?

Did anyone else see this exchange?

Best business travel horror story I ever heard - about a month ago I was stuck on a plane chatting with the man next to me, exchanging road warrior anecdotes. He told me that he was flying with his nervous CEO, who was such a bad flyer the company hired a psychiatrist to fly with the CEO. Well, for some stupid

And even if she can House this shit, she's not sure she'll have access to an antidote.

I was at a bonfire the other day and happened to glance at some well-built dude with stubble and shaggy hair. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why he was wearing a shirt in the firelight. My pectoral conditioning appears to be complete as well.