
Some bizarre omissions:

I might have been living in denial.

It was put on life support in 2013 (Emily leaving for Vox, everyone else leaving for The Dissolve (RIP)) and it officially died during the 2017 Kinjapocalypse. Everything after that has been a postmortem phantom.

Put a pin in it. I think AVClub is done now. Yikes.

Rational Me: “Bioware isn’t what it used to be, the recent departures were an even more clear sign of that, and given that it appears to be Liara in that trailer it means that there’s going to be a lot of ME3 related branches that are going to be an utter nightmare to tie up. I don’t see a way they can do it without

Agree with you on a lot of this, but... best story of the games?

This does not bode well for the completeness of my Don Knotts shelf.

This article is all kinds of ignorant and dumb.  But, hey, Barsanti’s gonna Barsanti.

Also, I will point out how stupid Bernie Bros like Sam are. Imagine you are a casual reader of this site or saw the headline somewhere and were/are a big Pete supporter. You are excited to hear about Pete being on Jimmy Kimmel. In less than a minute, instead of being excited, you remember all the online abuse you took

Argle bargle neo-lib, corporatist, establishment, plot that rigged it with help from The Clintons, and CIA Mayor Pete, that’s why. Blooo blooo blah.

If you’re the crown prince of Vermont and you lose a substantial amount of votes (nearly 40% from 2016 to 2020) in said Vermont on Super Tuesday, you’re in trouble.

Probably not. Biden knows he needs to balance the ticket and Mayor Pete is far to white and Midwest.

Since always. Are you kidding? This site and G/O media always stans hard for Bernie above anyone and everyone else.

Yeah, that post office he got named, man. Fight the power.

Feels like a short-sighted move. If they just wait a few weeks, they can get someone who is most famous for running two failed presidential campaigns.

Have you read this site? It’s a nest of bro and broettes who think their passive agressive swipes at actual team players who want to work together to defeat Trump make them superior beings, as opposed to insulated, mean-spirited spoiled cosplay socialists. The hip writers think it is a-okay that the bros harrassed

Agreed. This article is mindless cynicism. Pete is a good man and a trailblazer. 

Since you all seem obsessed with the Bernie cult, would you mind sharing what percentage of your staff is made up of upper-class white males? Thank you


You are wrong on the internet! The Gameboy is objectively the GOAT of Handhelds. Also Tetris is the greatest handheld game of all time.