For someone who makes at least part of his living beating the shit out of other men (and, recreationally, women), Mayweather is a giant fucking coward.
For someone who makes at least part of his living beating the shit out of other men (and, recreationally, women), Mayweather is a giant fucking coward.
It’s been almost a week since I first saw this article and I’m still playing a TON.
The fact that these fucking buffaoons continue to have the opportunities that they do to spew these ridiculous excuses, stories and “news items” is astounding. I cannot believe that anyone buys their bullshit, or even watches it for more than the “train wreck” aspect when more, reliable sources are available.
Floyd don’t abide no uppity wiminz.
I want to go to there. O____O
Houston’s season? Yah, it’ll be over soon indeed.
What’s past is our future. Back in the day when i was a kid we had a 10’ satellite dish and ONLY paid for the channels we wanted. Whenever I look at my DirecTV bill (which has a grandfathered package that has risen by 20 bucks over the past 5 years), I miss those days so much.
Can Simmons or Rovell count?
I love this article so much, I want to spoon it and perhaps give it a (concentual) reacharound.
I’m down for this. Occ wasn’t ever that bad once people got past the “I’m a tank, I take the red dragon” mentality. Once they figured out taht it was gear-based and not role-based, things went a lot easier (at least for me when I healed and tanked it. lol)
I love some of those old runs, so this could be fun.
Honestly, all I got out of this was “blah blah blah, Christian oppression”.
It’s haunting my dreams, even.
I want Kluwe to write everything all the time. T___T
As if I needed ANOTHER reason to root for Auburn.
Sad, saaaaaaaaand Leafs fan +1 (and a +/- -459)
Jesus Christ. I couldn't even read the article because of that douchebag mustache.
I want to be interested in this game, as I love Blizzard's other stuff (except Hearthstone *yawn*), but I just don't care but a shooter, it looks dull and the characters are awful stereotypes. Blizz already has a good MOBA in Heroes of the Storm, why not just focus on getting this out of the beta stage and…
Bless this guy, been following this adventure of his for a while now. My pacifist is resting at 90 because I am not keen to go back to mining/herbing and pet battling in Pandaland, I can't even imagine how dull it was in that Panda starting zone (I rolled a Pandaren once, just to see the zone. I'll never go back.)
Cos neither of us really care about marriage.
We're weird lesbians, it took years to move in together, even. There was no stereotypical U-Haul rental after 3 weeks of dating.