Manhunt. bcuz Manhunt
Manhunt. bcuz Manhunt
I just use these lil packets of lens cleaners I get from Costco, for my glasses, phone, Wii U gamepad, 3DS screen & whole console, 360 controllers. Simple, seems to work.
If he can get Tara Strong for voice again I'm in
Uuuhh u kept making the yummy sound
I dunno why decals aren't a big thing, they should be, can get millions of em & change whenever u want, this is mine from decalgirl
Fkking Kotaku, all I cared about was seeing what this girl looked like, is that so much to ask for in life?
Silence! :p
Wii U version will rule them all ^.^
Why is this baffling? Regginator said it's aimed at kids & it's releasing at the same time as the new Pokemon games.....what is baffling? Will it do well? Hell if I know, but it's surly not baffling.
Iwata already said that they will not put Nintendo games on phones because it would cheapen the product. The vibe I get from Iwata & Miyamoto is that they are not concerned with money personally (except to placate shareholders) but are more interested in trying to perfect their craft. He said they don't make "art" but…
Pfffft #2ndworldproblems
Fkk that, shudda went the guild wars route
Soul Eater FTW haaaar ^.^
Once Microsoft makes all things being the same as PS4, still all things WON'T be the same cuz there's no reversing the ill-will towards gamers Microsoft exhibits at every turn. They have a screw you money greedy mentality that tries to take away from you as much as possible only to backtrack as minimally as…
That song with the piano gives me goosebumps
What's with the fan service-y pose for a Pokemon game? Just sayin...
I know it goes against the hardcore gaming culture here to say that in all honesty, I'm only interested in looking at female cosplay if the girl is hot. If she passes the hot test (actually it's more like the not ugly test), then I'll look at her costume & appreciate it. If she doesn't pass the test, I hate looking.…
U r a nasty man o.O
For the children's books, the old style looks like, well, children's books, while the new style looks like a hardcore (scary) acid trip, I'm totally serious. It's bizarre man. I really prefer the children's books to look more normal & relatable for the kids, even tho myself as an adult (& former druggie hahaa) find…