
I agree. SR4 could be really exhausting due to how over-the-top it was. While SR3 is the better game, I never liked the tone quite as much as I did in Saints Row 2 -- which let itself occasionally take itself seriously in a “whatever the opposite of comedic-relief is” kind of way.

I’m excited for them to make the game less over the top silly. I couldn’t even finish 4 because it just got too stupid too quick and having super powers invalidated the rest of the gameplay. If I drove a vehicle it was because I felt like it and it was always noticeably worse. I’d love for them to return to being a GTA


need the Danny Glover DLC map pack.

A part of me wants to know if the discord actively contributed to this dude’s child porn stash. If so, I hope the FBI tracks them down as well. But another part of me wants to believe the Nintendo fans in said Discord would report such stuff to authorities.

I’m not surprised that a few wannabe “hackers” keep a stash

Since you mentioned Suikoden II already and others have put forward Vagrant Story, Final Fantasy Tactics and Xenogears, I’m going to go with Terranigma.

My guess? The community will eventually Get Over It.

There is also no rule to prevent you from sticking a pencil into the eye of the person who ends up as the betrayer...

There is also no rule to prevent you from sticking a pencil into the eye of the person who ends up as the

Apparently, the South Park CCG top tier players have spent in the $25,000 range.

Excuse me, I’ll be getting ready for Mortal Monday. 

I quite enjoyed that soundtrack. 

I mean, you can literally deactivate all of your active quests. I only ever have one up at a time. It’s pretty easy, same as in the past few fallouts.

I’m just here to see the salty Star Wars fans comment about TLJ when obviously the worst one is PM followed by TFA.

Let’s get going!  These ships aren’t going to shoot themse...   ...wait...

I’m only here for the HD beef frying.

So ready for the expansion to drop. The beginning of the month has been horrible for me haha. Forever rank 5 smh

So, he has a job poisoning someone else’s water.

Yeah, but is it a catch?

I like me some long speedruns for background noise, but I’ll be honest, I’m here because I saw a Baten Kaitos screenshot and went “huh, somebody should re-release Baten Kaitos” and I needed to tell people.