
Definitions are not your friend. 

Lying no attack, did the banner jump up and smack her upside the head did the banner jump into her hand as she was stealing it, It does become assault when he tries to take it back and protect his property, but the assault is on her. 

You do know that President Trump has advocated for LGBTQ rights don’t you? Of course not. That also is NOT an attack you stupid bitch. That man trying to steal the Trump supporters’ sign is a felony though. That is called strong arm robbery. Maybe you should actually learn the law before you speak next time.

No, standing outside with a sign is not an attack. I’ll tell you what IS an attack, though...STRONG ARM ROBBERY...which is a 2nd Degree FELONY.  You’re pathetic.

Black Trans woman are out here dying at a higher rate from Black people in their own surrounding communities than from White people. Using your logic, any Trump sign carried within NYC is an attack on Trans people and therefore legally justifies stealing or damaging someone else’s property. She tried to damage

I’m better than you in every way imaginable. So what does that make you?

You should seek professional help before it’s too late!

Yeah, that’s where this gets ridiculous.

Freedom of speech is not an attack.  Physically attacking a person for exercising free speech is an attack.  Your distorted view of reality is true fascism.  The replies to this terribly written piece are true racism.  You people have become the very things that you set out to destroy and you are blind to it.

They probably wouldn’t be “out here dying” if they didn’t steal other people’s stuff.

Shouldnt have touched his sign. Oh the heady days of newfound fame.

No one has or ever will give a fuck about what you have to say.

That evil ‘’white’’ Trump supporter? A Little racist are we? Grow up! get real and see the world and these Liberals for what they truly have turned out to be. Many of us REAL LIBERALS from back in the day have moved to the right because of you radicals which are destroying the foundation of this country and the true

Pssst, they don’t really care! White = trans = good no matter what.

I know he’s automatically the bad guy in these parts, but you do realize the accompanying video shows Moore stealing the Trump supporter’s personal property and then assaulting him when he attempts to retrieve it, right?

Love it! She steals personal property and guy tries to take it back and you spin it as trump supporter attacks!

The problem isn’t necessarily what they pay, the problem is the over spent on NBA and tons of shitty College bowls.

Why would I campaign for someone I don’t agree with? She mishandled classified information. In my line of work, that’s a no-no. I would be in jail had I done the same thing. So no, I didn’t support her. The difference is that I didn’t balk at the folks who did.

I didn’t vote for a white supremacist either. I voted Donald Trump. Man if your guys policies were as good as your imaginations, your person might be in office.

You sound like a really fun teacher!