
*gently, like Danny Tanner giving fatherly advice on Full House* Tim... *begin “lesson” music* you also comment on articles about YouTube videos on the internet. *warm smile* So it’s likely at least one of those is a lie. But that’s ok! We’re all losers here. Now, here *hands them a Mountain Dew Code Red*, wipe your

What about TJ Miller?  The movie wouldn’t be the same without him. ;)

How are both you and the article’s author interpreting the ad this way? The ad is making fun of the idea that a guy with a peanut allergy forgot there were peanuts in peanut butter, because it’s obvious that peanuts are in peanut butter.

The world would be better off if we stopped credulously reporting on what advocacy groups like Food Allergy Research & Education say, as if they were representative of the real people they claim to fight for.  These groups depend on generating publicity for themselves. Even if they are actually making these

Hank died in a car accident”? With a bullet hole in his head?

I still am baffled at how many people on this site, a car enthusiast site, try to shame people for wanting to buy a car they want, not the one people say they “need.” As an enthusiast who wants every car including our dailies to bring us joy, both me and my wife are willing to go through a little inconvenience to

Folks. If people don’t want minivans, they don’t want minivans. If they want to deal with the extra difficulty of loading kids into an SUV, that’s their perogative.

If Wheaton’s post wasn’t a joke, we shouldn’t be rewarding his pleas for attention.

If they’re young enough to be home instead of in school, and young enough to think Elmo is a living creature, then as long as Elmo doesn’t let it bother him, it’s not going to bother them. The average three-year old is not as emotionally brittle as Wil Wheaton.

As a father of two, had either of my sons been upset by this, it would have been a matter of, “Elmo and the man were just pretending.” That’s all. That would have worked at virtually any age. And it’s not like I’m some genius parent.

Wil is an idiot and everyone who's ever worked with him hates him.

Wow, first “i miss episodic tv” and now this. You do realize books have been fodder for filmic adaptations since…the beginning of film, right? Your recency bias is showing.

No see clearly the source material was the problem, because according to the article there's no such thing as a bad adaptation.

From what I recall, Drive Angry has one of those

The headline is dumb. $4.3B is only a 2.4% profit. People act like they’re taking the piss, that’s a TINY profit margin. If you were operating your own business that has a revenue of $1M, you’d only make $24k.

Many people are commenting that there aren’t really that many sex scenes in movies these days. I think his comments are probably him projecting a little bit because he is clearly uncomfortable with the sex object they made him and we’ve already heard he’s turned down sex scenes and shirtless scenes in the Witcher. He

I like looking at naked people. I like movies. I like movies with naked people. 

He says they’re “overused these days” and are just there for the sake of naked people rather than being actually “beneficial to a movie.”

So, my two year old bought for $300 Quest 2 does VR Porn, but the new Apple Vision Pro for $3500 does not? Hmph.

No, but you can’t just say you’re a contentious objecter either. You have to demonstrate it. Historically in America, that means showing at least some kind of affiliation with a society or cause that has firmly stated anti-war belief. S. Korea, a country with compulsory military service probably has even tougher