Furlough. The word You’re looking for for “temporary layoff” is “furloughed.”
Furlough. The word You’re looking for for “temporary layoff” is “furloughed.”
He wrote and performed his show, she inspired a show. There’s a difference. And anyway Chappelle was wrong to try to use the bully pulpit of his celebrity to change a contract after the fact when he knew the terms when he signed it. And even with his fame he wouldn't have gotten his way without insinuating that the…
I came for the av bubble meltdown and man, you all never disappoint
One of the very best standups working today, number one on Patreon, Just got signed to Budweiser as their new spokesperson. Maybe stop only checking for whichever celebs/comedians are Twitter outrage machine approved.
It doesn’t even know what message it’s trying to send. Superficially it’s all like “Revenge bad! Don’t do revenge!”. Yet Abby gets her revenge, finds peace. Ellie doesn’t, is left empty and broken. But yeah the premise was flawed from the off by deciding to try and make us sympathise with the Fireflies after what they…
Frosted blueberry. Not even close.
Frankly, she should take the sticker down if for no other reason than to protect her kids.
Idk, man. Is it that big of a deal? Maybe not. But surely plenty of private schools have made bigger mountains out of smaller mole hills. It’s not a public school, so they make the rules. Maybe the parents that reported the issue are bigger donors, that’s what seems to be the criteria for having a say, based on TV and…
I disagree. Johnson completely changed the arc of of the characters and backed everyone into a corner with TLJ. Adam Driver has spoken about how his character was completely changed by Johnson and that it wasn’t what he signed up for. Either way, any time someone comments that The Last Jedi is a good film is really…
It was a bold choice, and, unequivocally, a bad choice.
Daisy Ridley is an unfortunate casualty of Disney having no idea what they are doing. They started off relatively strong with The Force Awakens and then allowed a director to make a movie that had no business making a Star Wars movie. The Last Jedi ruined any chance of that trilogy going anywhere because Johnson…
I must not cum. Cum is the penis-killer. Cum is the little-death that brings total ejaculation. I will face my cum. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the cum has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Yeesus, Bradley. This article is bad, your take is bad & short sighted, and your responses to the comments seem to be the equivalent of “I know you are but what am I,” second grade playground chat. Gosh, coming to Jalopnik is like opening the fridge 100 times when you are hungry hoping that something delicious…
“We need a white guy who’s mere presence suggests that everything has gone completely to hell and that our main character has made terrible choices, can the casting director get someone like that?”
“One speeding vehicle had its case tossed because it was straddling lanes. It’s such a small irrelevant technicality to escape a speeding ticket.”
Is it, though? Or is the system engineered so that it needs the car to stay in lane to get an accurate reading? You can’t make statements like that without knowing how…
Gonna guess they came around the corner hot, swerved left to miss the hole and didn’t quite make it.
I don’t get why you feel games need to have a “impact” at all. They are recreational. Valheim for example still has a solid community of players and modders and I don’t see why it’s bad it “dissapeared” when it reality is that the hype only dissapeared while the game is still great.
I think the problem here is that the “boring tedium crap” is something other people enjoy, which is why these games are able to maintain an audience in the first place.
The appeal comes from the progression. You start with nothing and build your way up to having badass weapons and armor and majestic castles and stuff.
I can understand your exhaustion with the tree punching. But survival games are about resource and time management. If you take the time out of resource gathering you’re not left with anything anyways. It’d sorta be like taking jumping out of platformers... ?