
Similar embellishment.

I think the main problem is that “the world of Harry Potter” is kind of shitty as a world.

Despite being pegged early as a bomb”

Nah, it’s more complicated.

The problem, I think, is that people seem to think that insurance is some kind of savings plan. And that’s just not how it works.

Yeah, the idea isn’t terrible, but the execution seems lacking.

Yeah, something like that but without the sexual tension inherent to the Ex Machina premise.

The thing is, there are two use cases for Turo.

Yeah, and if he'd paid Turo for that waiver, he could also have walked away no questions asked.

There is a difference between "we hired this guy to do a comedy" and "we hired these guys to do a prequel about a beloved main character and they tried to turn it into a comedy."

I dunno, looking at his filmography it seems pretty obvious that his style is “pg-13 comedy with a moral lesson at the end”.

Honestly, when people say things like “I want something new and fresh and radically different set in the Star Wars universe”, I honestly think that what they’re really meaning is “I want something completely new and fresh and radically different, but I just want it to still have the name Star Wars slapped on it to

Space Opera is still pretty damn huge in the scifi novel world. Whether it’s involving nanomachines, psychics, or just straight up saying “yeah the space ships run on magic” there are tons and tons of Space Opera series out there.

Yeah, no.

And honestly that also shows how to do it.

But that’s not the story of Frankstein.

I suspect he learned his lesson from being turfed out of early PayPal and built in greater safeguards against hostile takeovers into his corporate frameworks. Maybe something similar to what Zuckerberg did with the tiered voting shares if facebook to ensure that he always controls over 51% of the voting shares even

Same reason we cast British actors to play Germans. Or Swedish to play French. Or literally any other combination of “generic white European dude”.

No bras in the future, eh?

What about decals? Or license plate holders?