
Too bad it’s Disney.

Except, Ford isn’t actually pulling in $25 billion in profit.

Except, historical evidence and multiple bankruptcies by the major US automakers kind of indicates that’s not how it works. At all. Note, after each bankruptcy they mostly recovered by ruthlessly slashing their labor costs to regain profitability.

They have no problem getting credit *while they are profitable*. If they stop being profitable, that credit dries up. Fast. Tech companies and startups can get away with not being profitable for years, established car makers can't.

Tech companies are special. They are essentially borrowing money to stay afloat while being unprofitable. And that works because people expect that they are opening up a new market and thus have a capability to be wildly profitable in the future.

No, I know. I specifically mentioned the risk of loss as part of the equation.

Someone getting 9x profit on a project is far more ready to survive inflation than someone making 4x profit.”

Because things always change. Inflation is inevitable. Risk is inevitable.

They can’t do that, probably because they’ll go bankrupt if they do.

Pussy Facing the World feels like either a great band name or the best title for a best selling memoir.

Because she’s the one putting the dirty laundry out there.

Yeah, it’s kind of telling that in a criminal prosecution of one person for their negligent handling of a firearm that was under their care, the prosecutors are more interested in digging up dirt on the person who hired them.

Actually, touching someone exposed to high doses of radiation can cause radiation sickness. It depends on the type of radiation and the amount of time between their exposure and the contact.

A bit hard to do jail from the afterlife.

Of course. But the whole point is to get the thing off his hands so someone else can deal with the hassle. He's just saying that he's not going to entertain offers by people who just want a couple parts. It's the whole thing or nothing.

Honestly it would be better if they just rolled the fees into the base price.

Yeah, I think there are multiple conversations happening simultaneously.

Can you stop, get off the bike, and walk the bike through the crosswalk? I'm not being facetious, just trying to understand the scenario.

My previous employer (an insurance company) had a gym. With shower. It was an employee benefit they put in to try to lower the health insurance premiums.

I agree that the “new” versions mostly look better.