
“A few lines in python and the right package" IS what AI is right now.

I mean, they could do the same thing with a normal parking stop. At least with a video call, they aren't already there with guns drawn and ready to start blasting.

If you read the entry more closely that’s not actually why.

Cheapest? Maybe.

Lol, Paige is talking out his ass.

Same here.

So, we gonna start a "Release the Feig Cut" campaign?

I liked the writing and the characters.

I mean, they’re the cabin crew. They’re literally and physically in control of the aircraft. Unless the bosses at the airline told them “you have to let this guy talk or we fire you” then yes they had the choice.

Yeah and I could pay someone to kick me repeatedly in the nuts, but why would I do that?

Every time I read articles like this, I realize how many people don’t understand basic math.


Leaving aside the anti-vaxx of it all, I do find it interesting that she’s finding more freedom and agency with a platform that essentially allows her to market and control her own content.

Not too old to have an OnlyFans though...

And what’s wrong with a hot rod?

Eh, it makes sense of you understand that the $50k isn’t an “average” cost, just the cost of this specific build.

I feel like I’m going crazy, but we all know that trucks stops exist, right? They’re not some new innovative response to a sudden change. They’ve been a thing for a while now.

Long haul trucking most definitely requires both training and certification.

I’m now wondering how hard it would be to create a steam engine iPhone charger.

She is not.